

United Kingdom

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About Me:
this is such a cool site & im glad i came across it...i have had alopecia for a good couple of yrs now. it has been hard not bein able 2 have any1 2 chat 2 about this most of my friends would not understand or wud want 2 understand so i have had 2 keep it 2 myself which sumtimes get me dwn...but i must say after lookin & readin sum of the member's profiles it has help me 2 realise that u can b positive & happy within i am so glad im here!! lol

i am a mother who live in the uk, im very independent, creative, lovely individual who enjoys meetin new people. I enjoy listening to a variety of music and often go to concerts, park events, dance events, theatres, clubs, bars, etc.
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia areata
Are you age 18 or older?
Your Website (Leave blank if you don't have one):

Comment Wall:

  • Roger


  • Roger

    Have you been dealing with alopecia for a long time?
  • Roger

    Are you living close to London?
  • rj, Co-founder

    Hi, TC. Welcome to Alopecia World! This is a great place for great people, so be sure to make your positive presence known. :-) - rj, Co-founder
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Hi TC,
    I'm so glad you're here! I just wanted to say hello and see how you are doing today.
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    TC, you sound like a neat lady! I just love London. Are there places you can get wigs, or are you going without?
  • Roger

    I was just curious =) I like the city!
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    That is great that you don't need wigs...yes, if you ever do there are some good ones out there that look very real!
  • Salmezan

    Hi TC,

    Thanks for the friend request! I just got back from London yesterday. It's a shame you didn't come across me sooner, we could've met up!

    Welcome to alopecia world. You will find alot of support from here.

    Stay strong! :)
  • Fitzy

    thanks! yea it is hard sometimes, but i have gotten so used to my alopecia now that it isn't such a big issue any more. Its just something that takes time. x
  • Mark

    hey there, hows it going ? why do i need more photos... ? you just have the one ;-)
  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    Hi TC, I wanted to welcome you to Alopecia World. I can honestly say that we are a great community here and I hope you enjoy the time you spend with us and we look forward to your input. Cheryl, co-founder
  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    Hey TC, There are lots of us too! We are taking on the world!
  • Mark

    shucks! thanks!!!! ..... the way this alopecia is going... the pics may be a whole lot different soon....x
  • Carmella

    Welcome! Glad you found us!!
  • carly

    hi how are you?
  • Nezz

    Hello there :)
    I'm Inez, how are u?
    I live in Notts, with Mark we were sayinG that we should organize some kind of UK meeting in London to actually meet up and have a chat.

    Keep your chin up :)

  • Linda

    Hey TC, welcome to AlopeciaWorld, I love it here! Although I've always had great support from family, friends and others, it's nice to talk to people who are experiencing some of the same issues I have. How old are your children, if I may ask?
  • JeffreySF

    Hi TC

    Whas up Girl?

  • carly

    thanks :) where do you work
  • JeffreySF

    I am doing good too.
    Moving mom into a senior facility so just busy with that.

    I'm glad you are with with us.

  • Carmella

    Thank you! I really love to cook.
  • carly

    when i wrote that comment it was just before school so like 6:30
  • JeffreySF

    Thanks TC,

    We are just about finished Whew. I hate moving lol

  • Carmella

    I'd love to have you over for dinner!! Everyone around me is always like - WOW what the heck CAR??? I'm always whipping something up and feeding people, even if it's just a simple study session ... LOL.
    I actually made sushi for my class of 27 and the instructor during a three hour final exam review - I'm crazed like that.
    Kiss Kiss
  • Courtney

    How're things going?
  • Nezz

    Hey, I'm doing alright thanks.
    I donno, we just mentioned it, we should organize it though!
    We could ask around the UK member who would be up for it?
    Hope u'r doing ok :)
  • Carmella

    Technically I guess I don't really work... after all I pay them - LOL. I'm trying to get a part time gig up at the hosptial, but we'll see.
    I spend most my time working as a mom and a nursing student. I'm still off until the 29th though and I'm starting to go a little stir crazy.
    What about you. How do you stay busy?
  • Courtney

    I love my hate section too. The only thing I hate about it is that I keep realizing new things to add to the list. haha! I just finished up two weeks of vacation! It was nice and relaxing! Gotta keep the money coming in though. Thanks for the comment about my pics :)
    You should put some up. From your profile pic you look gorgeous :)
    Talk soon!
  • Mark

    hey... evening TC !!! Im from East dulwich... land of the pram.... where abouts are you .... ? was thinking of getting a few london peeps together, might be fun
  • traci

    hey tc, thanks for the add! how are you? have a beautiful day =)
  • Kimberly Williams

    Thank you. I get them online... they are full lace wigs.
  • traci

    hey! sorry for the late comment-back, i've been so busy with moving back into my apartment after a nice 3 week vacation at home. but now i'm just waiting for classes to start next week... i went back to work today though so i'm getting used to having to wake up early again haha
  • PC

    Hi TC

    It's so nice to read about people that are experiencing the same issues I have.
  • Carmella

    I'm going to have a sushi party/house warming as soon as I move and was thinking about you. I'd much rather invite you and a few of my friends from alopecia world than my student nurse aquintances ... but then it is a long way to the middle of nowhere LOL.
    Have a good day
  • traci

    hey! when's your birthday? did i miss it - sorry i haven't replied sooner! if i did, then happy belated birthday! if it's still to come, then happy early birthday! haha. i'm doing well, just balancing school, work, and other stuff. how about yourself?
  • PC

    Thank you for your reply to my e-mail. I agree there are a lot of nice people on this site. Just a little about me. I am 51 year old female married with 2 children adult children that are my pride a joy. I have lived in sunny california all my life and love it.

    Tell me a little about life in the UK?
  • Carmella

    Your messages always make me smile. Thanks
  • PC

    Hi TC
    Kimberly's wig dose look good. My kids are 33 and 27 boy and girl. I remember those teenage years theirs and mine. Hang in there it get a little easer the older they get. Let me know when you come to California we can do lunch.
  • Sophie Ray

    heyyy. how are you? where abouts are you in london? aah the weather is just lovely atm huh! xx
  • traci

    i'm doing well. just trucking along through midterms! i wish it was autumn weather and not still 80 - 90 degrees in southern california though! how are you doing? getting ready for halloween?
  • Royalty

    have a great weekend!
  • Carmella

    I wish my dinner was great but unfortunately I had to work and got suckered into doing 12 hours so it was supposed to be pizza provided by work. They ate it all though, by the time I could get a second ... hmmp. How was your new year? Hope it was rockin'
  • Salmezan

    Hey TC, how are ya?