

Spokane, WA

United States

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About Me:
I currently have had alopecia areata for the past year of my life. I became severely depressed from getting the disease to the point where I just block it out of my mind. My dome looks like the planet earth( you can even see Africa on my left side!) I am also allergic to wheat and milk. This happened about the same time. I feel like god is punishing me for not being my full potential so far in life. I am a white male, so even if I shave my head, I can still see my dark hair. I wish it would all just fall out. I get bouts of depression from woman not looking at me the way they used to. My self esteem has gone down, and now I'm just a sad puppy! Lol. Life goes on, and all I can do is be active, workout, and eat the healthiest I can. Hopefully my hair grows back.
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia areata
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

Comment Wall:

  • beth piper

    I thought I was the only one that couldn't deal with it as well as others. Knowing I'm not the only one that struggles with it makes me feel like I am not alone because I am not. This is almost my 8th year having Alopecia and it does get easier to deal with but I still have my bad days. So if you need a friend to talk to I am here. Hope you are having a great day.