beth piper


Boise, ID

United States

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About Me:
I've had Alopecia Areata since I was 20. Within a month or two all my hair was gone and it devastated me. My hair was my favorite part of me. There was a piece of me missing and I didn’t know what to do without it. I felt like I didn’t know who I was anymore. Before my hair fell out almost nothing got me down. Afterwards it was as if the light inside me died. I really struggled with my identity and didn’t know who I was anymore. I looked in the mirror and didn’t recognize the person staring back at me.
My boyfriend at the time was in the military and deployed. He didn't believe me when I told him all my hair had fallen out. We later got married and had a child. He was not supportive and didn't understand what I was going through. He would tell me to just get over it. He became abusive and I left him because I knew I deserved better. We ended up joint custody and my ex got primary. I didn't have a job, a place of my own, or a car at the time.
Over the years I struggled with depression. There were times I didn't leave my house or I stayed in bed all day. I didn't like attention and was shy before all this happened. Even at my work place I would have people ask me if I had cancer or they would assume I did. I got tired of wearing wigs to work because they were hot and itchy so… I wore a hat at work. This customer had to point out that I had a missing spot he could see.
I had people ask me… “Why do you wear a wig?” When people were not asking they were usually staring. I got all kinds of weird looks wither I wore a wig or not. Sometimes I even got glares. I had one girl when I was out with friends try fight with me because my friend and I were just standing next to her. She said we were too close to her and she didn’t like it. She yelled out at least I’m not wearing a wig!” I have even had a guy question if I was a girl because I was wearing a wig. I dated a guy for a while that would say things like you look so different without hair. He would want me to wear my wigs around him. Those type of words really hurt me though. I would think to myself…I’m still a human for crying out loud!!!
I would get offended and mad by peoples questions and assumptions, or if they pointed out that I was wearing a wig. I didn’t want to talk about my struggle because tears would flood my eyes. The past 7 years have not been easy and they were dark and depressing but I’ve survived. It’s been hard for me to accept myself this way but I am still me. I’ve realized my hair does not change who I am. I have become a stronger person because of it. Some days I still struggle but I have come a long way.
I didn’t have anyone at the time that understood what I was going through. It’s great to know I’m not alone and that there are others like me. I felt I was the only one that struggled so much with this disease but I am not.
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia areata
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

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  • Maya :)

    Hey how are you? how are things with you?
  • Amy-Rose

    Hi there,

    Thanks for the friend request. I have just read your 'about me', and boy has it hit me. Mine fell out over a couple of months too, and my partner hasn't been the greatest. Always telling me that it's just 'hair'. All of us here on Alopecia World have a similar story and are all struggling—but we are here for each other. You aren't alone, keep smiling and show the world that you don't need hair to be a beautiful person :)

  • Chad

    Beth, thanks for adding me. Your story is very similar to mine. Life is what you make of it, email me at, if you every wanna chat