Mrs. Reyne Mann


United States

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Really would like to talk to others about the concerns of hair loss and how to deal with it and the prospect of wearing a wig EVERYDAY, even at the gym, etc.
Do you have alopecia?
Telogen effluvium
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

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  • LeslieAnn Butler

    As far as how to cope with a change from your regular skimpy hair to a wig -- yes, people will notice and give you compliments. After a few weeks the newness will have worn off for them and your new look will be part of who you are. After awhile, people won't even think about your "old" look. Everything has an adjustment period when people notice. That should not be your criteria for whether or not you get something that makes you feel better about how you look.

    As far as where to go to get a wig, there are so many options! You might want to start with a synthetic -- since you travel so much, these are easy -- wash and wear! Easier than your own hair. Do you have a wig store near you? Try some on and see what looks good on you. You will find some similar styles online and usually they are discounted. I like My favorite brands are are by Rene of Paris and Noriko. I wear "Brandi" and cut bangs.

    I also have a couple of human hair wigs which are an investment, but they are custom made for your head and look and feel completely natural. I get mine at Brenda Kay Hair Specialities here in Portland, but she works with people all over the country. You can contact her at or phone 503-223-8092. She guarantees her wigs and they are the best quality and price you can find.

    On my photo gallery on my page, you will see both synthetic and human hair. Bet you can't tell which is which!

    Let me know if this helps.
  • Lexi

    I don't wear my wigs at all lately. Just got a new job, and my first hurdle was, do I wear a wig or do I just wear my own straggly locks. I opted for straggle locks. It is a laid-back place of work, so it is OK. I think the women I work with would freak out if I did wear a wig. So sad. I wish people were not like that. I wish they would just live and let live, and my their own business, So sad, if you aren't a millionaire, aren't on tv or movies, or sing on the radio...people don't really accept white women wearing wigs...I like myself better in a wig...I feel pretty ...note I said FEEL not!!! But then you have to put up with people out there who give you looks, is she wearing a wig? or why is she wearing a wig? or who does she think she is, wearing a wig...? the list goes on.
  • Giovana

    Hey, sorry taking so long to answer your question...
    well, I can say that I haven't found a 'perfect' wig yet. I was with the same concern as you, but I prefer to wear a wig than nothing.
    I don't know if I'm going to be helpful for you because here in Brazil we don't have as much types of wigs and protheses as you and it's very expensive so I don't know how long it lasts or costs.
    In there are some sites where you can find other types: as vaccum protheses, MHP System...
    They seem veeery good for people who have busy life
    I hope you can find something good for you.