

Western Cape

South Africa

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About Me:
I am the mother of an awesome teenage boy.

I was diagnosed with Alopecia androgenitica three years ago.I also have fybromialgia and mild rheumatoid arthritis, for which I take a chemo medication which further affects my hair loss. I have since had some regrowth but it shedding a lot at the moment (maybe related to a flare up in the arthritis, which is also auto-immune) and I will be going back to my Freedom wig within the next few weeks -- just have to get the colour adjusted!
Do you have alopecia?
Other type of alopecia
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

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  • Alliegator

    Hi! I am sorry for the delayed response. You shouldn't have to worry about the wind. Even back when I kept my bio hair long, I never used clips under the wig. When you don't have any bio hair, the wig sort of suctions to your scalp. As long as it isn't too small, the wig shouldn't budge, even in high winds. I have walked in very strong winds before, but the wig didn't move. It might get pretty wind blown, but that would be all. I hope that helps!

  • Kevin Woolen

    Hello and welcome.  

  • Natalie

    Hi Janine,

    I'm so sorry it took me so long to respond to your friend request! Thank you for the compliments on my hair :) My first Freedom Wig is a 12" wavy brunette wig with side bangs, and my second wig is a 12" light brunette curly wig with no bangs. I'm happy to answer any other questions you may have about them - I love my Freedom Wigs Nd highly recommend them!
