M. Luk


United States

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About Me:
I was just diagnosed with Alopecia areta in July of 2009 and lost all my hair by August 2009. Western doctors have not been much help and made me feel helpless and hopeless. I turned to Chinese medicine and accupunture. My hair is starting to grow back in patches just like it feel off in patches. However, I'm still so new to Alopecia that it's hard to say if it is really working. I am happily married with two wonderful children. I'm starting to see hope now, with the help of chinese medicine. I would like to eventually get to a point where I would be comfortable in public being bald even though it doesn't bother me to wear a wig. I feel very lucky that of all things I had to have, it would only be cosmetic. At least I didn't lose and arm or my sight, hearing, etc. At this point, the upside is that I never have to worry about a bad hair day with my new wig :)
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia areata
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

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  • Natalie

    Hi! In response to your survey about whether parents had alopecia or not, neither of my parents (nor anyone in my extended family) has had alopecia; I am the first.
  • Essence

    thank youu <3 (:
  • Cynthia Lee Watkins


    Always, always use a conditioner made especially for human hair or synthetic wigs after shampooing them. Conditioner really does prolong the wig's life. And it's always good to have at least 2-3 (or more, if you can afford to do it) of the same style wigs so that you can wear them "in rotation." They'll last a lot longer and look a lot better this way.
