


Saudi Arabia

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yes i'm bald but beautiful
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia universalis
Are you age 18 or older?

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  • Amanda

    well i love the freedom to be christian with out having to hide it. but im not a big fan of the media. everything is so vulgar and people think just because we have freedom of speech that they should rant on about gay marriage and other unnecisary things. and now days you can sew for just about anything which i think is rediculus. it might sound crazy but i wish americans had more restrctions. ummm, i like Obama personally, my family likes him to. obviously what america has been doing isnt working so maybe it really is time for a change.
  • Sultan AD

    Hi there ..
    this is Saif .. am New member Here

    Wish you all the best :)
  • Nadal

    السلام عليكم
    حبيت قول مرحبا , وقلك اني عاشق لفيروز , وانا سعيد كتير اني لقيت عرب بهالموقع , و بس هيك , باي