

Oklahoma City, OK

United States

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Relationship Status:
In a Relationship
About Me:
I have vitiligo universalis, I lost my eyebrows in 2012 and immediately had them tattooed. I'm so pleased with the results. My hair started thinning and my hairline started receding shortly after that. I went to a dermatologist just today and he thinks I have FFA, but took a biopsy to be sure. Waiting on the results. The mere thought of my hairline receding any further stresses me out. I'm hoping it just stops all together. Trying to stay positive. It's helpful knowing that I'm not alone. I used to hate my "cow licks" in my hairline...now, I miss them!
Do you have alopecia?
Other type of alopecia
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

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  • PamFitros@boldlybaldwomen.com

    FIrst Jinzy, I AM happy. I know it sounds unbelievable to some, but I love being bald. Making room for bald women in our hair obsessed society has become my new calling in life. (See my profile).

    About other auto-immune issues. Yes, I have asthma, allergies, arthritis and I take thyroid supplements as well. I've heard many others say they have other autoimmune issues too, but other people only have alopecia. At best it's a quirky condition, at worst it's a crazy making condition.

    It SO helps knowing others get where you are, have been and will likely be. I blog about this at boldlybaldwomen.com. I've got to figure out a way to get it posted in AW automatically or at least get myself in gear to copy and paste the posts. Ahh Pam, one thing at a time. I am currently writing an e-course and learning how to podcast. Still...that's at least got to be a New Year's resolution! lol -

    One of my favorite groups in IAD (International Alopecia Day). Each year in August people all over the world celebrate it by taking their wigs off for one day, taking pictures and sending them in for Mary Marshall to collate into a video. It's really cool. There's a link in the group site to the videos if you're interested.

  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Jinzy, that's great -- you can get it my book on Amazon or the NAAF.com Marketplace.

    Let me know how you like it, and I hope you take advantage of all the support you will find here!


  • Lo

    Hi, Jinzy!  Just checking in to see if your progression has still remained stable.  I was going through some old posts, and saw yours.  Hope you are doing well, and continue to "beat" this diagnosis.  Let me know.