


United States

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Alopecia ...come to my life :)!.. since last year i open my heart to understand alopecia and deal with this special Gift .
My child have alopecia and SHE is SO BRAVE . i`m learning from my child how to be BRAVE ,STRONG and BEAUTIFUL... and how to always BE YOUR BEAUTIFUL SELF,no matter what happen in your life and no matter how you look from outside.
Beautiful Heart of Light is alwasy INSIDE :)

I think, special Gifts must be taken with special LOVE .
Last week i find out,my grnddaughter got head lices from someone at school!:) i was in panic ! All family members must go through treatment to 'kill' uninvited visitors :)) except my daughter, she is FREE from this problem.:)))
See, there are some benefits to be Alopecian :) Coooool!!!!
I`m praying for all alopecian i know and all i do not know.
I`m praying for Healing and Restoring of your hair .

May you all be given Gift of HEALING!

alopecian in her heart
Do you have alopecia?
I do not have alopecia
Are you age 18 or older?

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  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Thank you for all the wonderful words and blessings! You are very special!
    I'm glad the evening went well for you and Vanessa.
    So you are an artist too? If you want to see my paintings, go to www.LAButerArtist.com, and if you want to order the book, go to www.leslieannbutler.npauthors.com -- you can also get it on Amazon.
    Keep spreading that beautiful light around!
    Hugs, LeslieAnn
  • Antoinette Fernandez

    Hi Fatima!!! Definetly, unhappyness or stress has to do a lot with this condition, at least for some of us. I know babies or little kids don't have sadness or stress and they still go trough alopecia. But in my case or yours, the changes that we made in our lifes were the main causes. Anyway, i'm so happy you could stop the alopecia on you, with respect to your daughter, she still beautiful, with hair o no hair, that's something that i love about this site, you can see lots of beautiful women with no hair, with a great personality. And that is something that all of us are looking for, to be happy and confortable, the way we are, with the people that really love us!!
    Have a wonderful weekend!!! Talk to you soon!!!
  • Fatima

    Dear Friends

    How are you All?

    I was not present at Alopecia world, but i kept you all always in my PRAYERS/HEART.

    Now is SPRING TIME!:))) THE NATURE is bin renewed , all Nature is opening to the Life providing rays of Light ... and we are also in process of opening to new healing energies.

    OPEN....!!!! RECEIVE ... and HEAL !

    May you/we all heal and start feeling good.May Light bring peace to the hearts.
    Do not let illness, our problems,fear,sadness and worried to take over our Spirit .May keys of Inspirtaion and TRUST in DIVINE POWER inside our own Hearts and in the Nautre around us, Open our Human Souls to Divne HEALING. Dear Friends, Please, let LIGHT of HEALING INTO THE HEARTS.


