

Norwood, NC

United States

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About Me:
My name is Jake and I am 14 years old.......My mom set this page up for me since I have Alopecia Universalis. I started losing my hair at age 2 and finally shaved my head in 4th grade. I am now in 8th grade and I am the only person at my school who has Alopecia.
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia universalis
Are you age 18 or older?
No - I am not 18 or older

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  • Gale Moorman

    Hi Jake and his mom, the only thing i know is that you have to find a support group in NC where others have alopecia and possible children will have the strength and determination to come with their mom. I am in NYC and my last support group there was a 12 yr. old. So it is possible for Jake to meet others his age with alopecia.
  • Ashley

    Hey I dont know if you still use this or not but I have alopecia as well and im turning 16 this summer. if u need to talk to someone who has alopecia as well I'm here (: I dont know what its like to deal with it as a guy but I know with me being a girl without hair it can be hard

  • Rachel Taylor

    Hey Jake! I just re-connected to Alopecia world and saw you on my friends. I clicked on your profile and noticed that you live in NC! So do I! How are things going with your alopecia?