

Des Moines, IA

United States

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About Me: name is Natasha and I have AU(Alopecia Universalis). I lost my hair when I was 2 years old. I am now 26. I have been this way for basically all my life. I have never before thought about reaching out to others like me. It didnt even occur to me that I could. I choose to be really open and in your face about my condition. I do not wear wigs unless I just feel like doing something different. I made that decision when I was 10 years old. I had moved to another city and was going to start a new school and my foster mother asked me if I wanted to just be myself instead of wearing wigs. I remember struggling with my decision. I thought about how embarrasing it was when some mean kid would pull my wig off just for fun. I decided to just grab the bull by the horns and be me. It was hard that first day of school. Most kids stayed away from me and the others bombarded me with irritating questions. But I made it through. Not that it wasnt hard….but trying to blend in and wear a wig and having it pulled off at the skating ring in front of the whole world was much harder than just putting it out there for the world to see. So it is what it is. People stare at you but you learn to ignore it or if your like me you learn to like it. I use to get down and do the whole why me thing but that just made me hate myself because there are so many kids that had it so much worse. When your different you just have to learn to accept what is and love you for you. Seeing this website and seeing that there are other people like me makes me feel not so different. Seeing that there are young people who just developed this makes me want to reach out and share my storthemselves and ignore the closedmindness of others.
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia universalis
Are you age 18 or older?
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  • Danielle

    hello. honestly it's good to actually meet someone that is actually like me.. in many ways. i lost my hair when i was 2 as well, i don't wear wigs, and the few times that i did i went the same teasing and taunting, such as the wig pullings and other ridiculous things. obviously, i have AU, but i'm not 26.. haha. i'm actually 10 years younger. but i was just stopping by to say hello.. and it was nice to just see that there's someone a lot like me.
  • Amanda

    yea i know they really cant, but at least they try...and yea i love this place :))
  • Marte Carlson

    Hey Natasha.... I am not sure how often you get on here but I wanted to say hi!! We are also in DSM IA and my daughter has Alopecia. Are you aware there is a really good support group that meets in Johnston. I have been to several of the meetings with my daughter. Its kinda nice to find people from our own area to connect with!!!

    Hope to hear from you!!