Ailin S.


Lexington, KY

United States

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About Me:
Hair all falling out and eyebrows thinning : (
Do you have alopecia?
Female pattern baldness
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older
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  • Heather

    Hi Ailin, welcome to AW. It may not be any of my business, and I may be wrong, but I don't it's usually the norm for someone with FPB to also lose her eyebrows. Are you sure you have FPB? The reason I ask is that I was diagnosed as having FPB...losing eyebrows and such. But it turned out that I have diffuse alopecia areata.
  • Heather

    I went to a hair specialist at a reputable hospital. I had a biopsy a long time ago that suggested that I had FPB. But it was not adding up for me because I was losing hair allover. So, it wasn't until I went to the specialist that I found out that I had diffuse alopecia areata...which made more sense. Besides, my hair had fallen out and then grew back somewhat...that doesn't really happen with FPB. Now, it's falling out again. How can you be sure your hair isn't falling out because of your thyroid?
  • Clara S.

    Heya Ailin! Sorry, I haven't logged in for a long while! Hope all is well with ya! My eyebrows are thinning too...oh wells actually they come and go so I've learnt to draw them in pretty ok :) Talk to ya soon!