

South Hadley, MA

United States

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About Me:
I've had Alopecia for about 20 years. For a long time I just went through the motions of life, knowing I had it but minimally dealing with it. Now, I'm working on personal acceptance, gaining confidence, and finally getting over it. I'm ready.
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia universalis
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

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  • Emily

    Hi Maryanne,
    I know it has been a while...I apologize, life gets so busy. Thankyou so much for sharing. I love it when you said you can't fake sexy. Sooo true...I've tried. Hearing your story in more detail has made me feel like I am not alone. Thank you for that. So the weight thing I can totally relate. I was obese... and recently lost 80 pounds. It has made everything much better. But I didn't get the psychological results I was looking for. I still don't feel sexy, even though I got my curves back. You are right Alopecia changes the way you look at yourself. It is such a struggle to stay positive. I hope that you can be open to find someone to share your life with. I don't know that I could do this alone. Just knowing that I am me enough hope to carry on. I will be praying that someone special comes into your life soon!!!

  • Milka Stepien

    Yes, I paint the eyebrows on myself! I have a couple of different designs I do. People keep telling me I should have a henna or permanent tattoo done, but I like painting them on myself and being able to change the design. It was actually my cousin's idea - I first lost the hair on my head and then started losing my eyebrows and then after a few years my eyelashes. He came up with the idea that instead of painting on lines, why not have some fun with it? :) And I do. I'm actually really bad at drawing on straight lines - they come out crooked and I feel weird with just lines :D I guess the most important thing is figuring out something that you personally feel good with, right?

  • Emily

    Hi Maryanne,
    Wow!! I hope someday I can be grateful for Alopecia. You are right about findind strength whe you need it most. How did I do it?? Well in my case, I had 3 herniated discs in my lower back and had to quit working. I knew I had to lose weight to reduce the agony I was in. So I challenged myself. I told myself, "If I can't lose weight, I can't do anything." I started walking laps around the block. I gave up everything bad for me...except chocolate and cream for my coffee. I counted calories and I walked every day...up to 4 miles a day. Not having a job made it easier for me to be serious about it. It also took a long time (2 years). If you can except that it is a marathon, and not a sprint race, it becomes more attainable. I am happy I got under 200 pounds. That was my goal. I still want to lose another 20, and I will. I guess you have to really want it. Once I gave my mind a good enough reason to do it, I had the power I needed. It has made everything MUCH better. I still have pain, but no where near as much. I feel better about myself and I have more energy. I love my walks now...if you do something long enough you create a good habit. Well I will be saying a prayer that you have success in your own weight loss goals...I will be cheering you on!!! :)