Lynn Bell


Minneapolis, MN

United States

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About Me:
I am the mother of a 13 year old daughter just diagnosed with alopecia aereta on September 22, 2010.
Do you have alopecia?
Parent or guardian of child with alopecia
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

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  • Matt (Mikayla's Dad)

    Just thought I'd stop by to see how you and your daughter are doing? I know in our case, it was harder for us than for her, but everybody is different. Hope you are doing well while learning to deal with this stuff from the beginning. :o)
  • Matt (Mikayla's Dad)

    That is awesome!! How wonderful for her to have so many friends be there to support and encourage her! The key to dealing with this is just that...realizing that she's not a different person, and her friends are still her friends. Believe me...her friends will take up for her too. Mikayla has had several different times at school when one of her friends have overheard somebody else talking about "that girl that wears the wig" just because they've heard about it, and they are quick to "jump" right on that and take up for their friend. :o) The fact that Stephanie is already so open and accepting about it is amazing...she will only get stronger from here. These kids never cease to amaze me!!

    Mikayla is doing really well...thanks for asking. :)
  • Kristy

    Hi Lynn, I"m sorry I'm just getting back to you. You had asked me a few weeks ago about false eyelashes...I have never worn them personally, but there are a lot of people who do. if you look at website, they have a marketplace that sells false eyelashes that are specifically for people with AA, as regular ones don't stay on well with no eyelashes to rest on. I had my eyeliner and brows tattooed on last month so I wouldn't have to worry about it. I just got back from Germany, as I had a treatment done that is not specifically for AA, but is helpful for other auto-immune conditions, so we'll see if it helps with this. I'm keeping my fingers crossed as it could help a lot of people if it works. Hope you and your daughter are doing okay. Hugs, Kristy