My son is 14 and has officially been diagnosed with alopecia--but has actually had it since he was 3. His is due to an auto immune disease- psorasis. Which sadly began about the same time he began losing his hair. So hit with two things at once. He began losing small patches on the back of his head and it grew from there. The doctors first said he had ringworm and treated him for that for almost two months. Well sadly the medicine made his psoriasis worse because it dried his skin out. When he ended up having a severe reaction to the medicine his Dr. sent us to a dermatologist, still not knowing what he had. I had done some research through the computer and pretty much knew this is what he had, why didn't the dr. have a clue? Well it was confirmed finally. And all the responses have been the same where we live. No-one has ever seen an actual case, so this has not helped my son. It was extremely hard for a 14 year old freshman in high school to be losing his hair. He tried growing it out real long to cover it up. He joined the football team and became their wide receiver. Unfortunately I was unaware that there is something in the foam of the helmets that actually increases hair loss in alopecia patients. The hair was falling out so fast I could not keep up--patches everywhere. Finally, on Thanksgiving break we had to make the decision to shave his head. We knew it was better for him to go with no hair then look like he was going through chemo, which he was asked constantly if he had cancer. The school accepted a note from his dr so he was able to wear a hat within school hours. But it has not been easy for either of us. For him not having anyone to speak with, and me watching him lock himself in the bathroom and hear him crying, and asking god what had he done. I still tear up just thinking about it. But he has been careful to be strong in front of me, almost as if I was the one dealing with this. After almost two years and losing all hair, eyebrows and eyelashes included. He has begun to show some hair regrowth. Even without the needles and steroid cream, which I put a stop to. Didn't seem to be helping. The cream just made him irritable and the needles were just so hard to bare. The hair is very fine, and very white. We've actually had to keep shaving because its growing more in certain places than others. But hey we take what we can get, right?!
Hi Babe: Just wanted to let you know I am home again! We had a wonderful time. The flight both ways was exciting! I loved being up there in the white clouds (smile).... What a world we live in. I could see everything on the ground except when we climbed to 33,000 feet. It looks just like the railroad scenes we make to go under the Christmas trees! lol. Everyone in Illinois treated us royally. Wow - they were all there - even Judy who came from Florida to be with us! It was very nice. We ate way too much food! (not good for my waist - and I will have to get back to my diet now).... I'm doing catch up now. Will talk to ya later - OK? P.S. Glad to hear that Billy is leaving that hat at home. Didn't I tell you he was matter. He has that winning smile. No one will ever notice his head. They will be captivated by his smile. :) Later - Luv ya - Mom
Hi Babe: Sorry Daddy didn't get your message. He did have a couple of small jobs to do when I left and I guess he got tired out taking over for me! (smile).... All went well here tho. He is working on the front door today. Taking the side lites off and painting them. Hopefully he will hang the new storm door when he gets it all done! (fingers crossed).... I just got home from grocery shopping. Bah....(smile). I also got some things for Gramma (who is down again with her back/side/whatever it is). Always something there. So I got her walker down for her to use. I'm getting ready to make some Rotini for dinner so I don't have too long. Luv ya - Don't work too hard. By the way, Jack started another job on Friday :)
Later - Luv ya - Mom. (Kiss the kids and Big Billy for me) Luv them all!
Tracy and Amanda
Thanks for the birthday wishes for Amanda. I will put her birthday pics up soon.
Jul 17, 2009
Diana K. Owens
Jul 18, 2009
Diana K. Owens
Later - Luv ya - Mom. (Kiss the kids and Big Billy for me) Luv them all!
Jul 19, 2009