mikayla skyy


Sandusky, OH

United States

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About Me:
myy names mikayla sky, but you can call me kayla. i was officially diagnosed with aa today, and im just looking fo some people to talk to that actually understand the difficulties of aa(:
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia areata
Are you age 18 or older?
No - I am not 18 or older
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  • Shannon M

    hi mikayla sorry it took me so long to reply back. no i have never regretted shaving my hair but i had so little to shave when i finally did it so it never really hit me so bad. it will be hard to do but trust me u will feel better having it all gone and looking normal than having patches of it left. ull c. oh and btw, if u r losing the hair on the rest of ur body, u will only lose more and then have AU (meaning no hair on you body watsoever). im really sorry to brake the news to you like this, but try getting a wig, it will make you feel so much better and then you wont have to hide while you lose ur hair. look for somebody who has a good charrer in making wig and then u can a great one that will last longer. good luck and dont worry about it. its perfectly naturall and easy to deal with. dont stress, and i kno this from experience, its not worth it.
  • Jake

    Hey I am Jake and 12 years old... I went through shaving my hair when I was in 4th grade. I am now going into 7th grade and I am the only person at my school with Alopecia so I stand out a little. I think that "my different" look has made me more popular. The first year i went through it, I got teased I think because they did not understand. It was easier to explain why I was bald rather than saying why I was missing clumps of hair !!
  • Jesus Chick and Mom-Abre

    Hey Kayla. how are you doing?