Shane McPartland


Laguna Niguel, CA

United States

Profile Information:

Relationship Status:
In a Relationship
About Me:
I'm 23 years old, just graduated from UCI and am planning on teaching English in France in the fall! hehe
Are you age 18 or older?

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  • Vicktoria (Katya's mom)

    Hi Shane,
    My daughter, 12 years old, has had AA currently AU for one year. We actually live in Orange, CA. I have never seen anyone on this site that lives near us, so I thought I'd say hello. Your plan to live in France sounds great. My husband worked in Geneva (not France but close) after college and it was a great experience for him.
  • Jodi

    Hey Shaney!
    I finally found some time to get on and check out your page. LOVE the picture of Enid. And the ones of you and your guy. Too cute! I miss you tons and am looking forward to seeing you next month! Love, Jodi
  • JeffreySF

    Hi Shane,

    Stopping in to say hello.
