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I have suffered for 20 years with Alopecia Areata just with my eyelashes. They would fall out in sections, then gradually grow back only to fall out again. I use to get cortisone shots every six weeks for about five years, which worked but I worried about bone loss. I have now started using Lumigan (glaucoma medicine with a side effect of growing hair) through my dermatologist. It has been a miracle. My eyelashes have all grown back, longer and thicker than ever. I have been using Lumigan since December and within three months you would never know I had AA. I found the information on a site by Lori Klein, dermatologist in LA. I understand clinical studies are underway now for Lumigan and AA. Hopefully this will be a major breakthrough for all AA suffers. Best wishes to all .
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  • Sandy

    Hi Cheryl,

    Thank you very much. There seems to be alot of support and information at this site.
  • Dee Connelly

    Hi Sandy, It did take me a while to get use to the false eyelashes. But now I have no problem with them.
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Wow, what a wonderful thing you discovered! I have had AU for 20 years. I wonder if it would help me?