uncomfortably numb


Waltham, MA

United States

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About Me:
A dog lover, a backpacker, a trekker, a singer, a fun loving being, a foodie, an explorer - that's a bit about me.
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia universalis
Are you age 18 or older?
No - I am not 18 or older

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  • Natalie

    Shekhar- Wow, it sounds like you have seen lots of the world! Bangalore sounds fascinating- I am actually going in to an academic advisor at my university today to talk to him about the internship in India, so hopefully I will be one step closer by the end of the day. My grandfather was born in Mecklenburg, Germany, but I have actually never been there :( Unfortunately my father is not very close with his relatives, so we don't have very strong ties to the German community. I think that maybe is why I am so interested in learning about Indian culture is because I don't really know much about my own German heritage and I'm sort of "adopting" Indian culture in a sense. That is really nice that you have your siblings nearby; my sister lives about an hour and half away from me so we still see each other all the time. My boyfriend spent much of his youth in Kota, and from the pictures I have seen it is amazing! Have you been to the States yet? I lived in Washington, DC last semester and it was the best 4 months of my life! I bet you would love the city because there is so much to do and see and there is so much history behind everything. Countdown to my new wig: 5 days!! Talk to you soon :)
  • Natalie

    Namaste! I am doing well! I have my new wig and it is beautiful! It is thick and wavy and reminds me so much of how my hair was before it all fell out. I've also been having a lot of fun with head scarves and hats. I am almost done with school! I am graduating in 3 weeks, but I still don't know what I will be doing this summer; I'm waiting to interview with Tata. I've been applying to jobs on the East Coast nonstop, but the economy is so bad over here that I haven't any luck finding a job yet :(

    I am really ready for spring to hurry up and get here- the weather is still really cool and we have been getting lots of rain, so hopefully things will warm up soon. My Dad and I are running a half-marathon together on May 9, so I've been getting pretty excited for that, too. It is so nice to run now and not worry about my hair getting sweaty (I usually just run with a baseball cap on or a bandana). How have you been? Any exciting adventures lately? Hope all is well and talk to you soon.

    Hi There

    I strongly believe that awareness will surely have a big impact on public’s attitude towards alopecia victims. Many people have this misconception that it’s a contagious disease and they try to avoid affected person. Right information about alopecia and its awareness will force them to take this problem positively and understand victim’s emotional and psychological state. Mass awareness will help us to create better environment for alopecians so that they don’t feel hostile, alienated and segregated.
    With such revolutionary steps we can discuss critical issues linked with this problem and focus appropriate media attention to raise alopecia awareness drive on a larger scale. I have a vision to create our own national organization with its support groups all over India taking care of alopecia awareness, research and helping people in coping with it.

    Lets come together and walk hand in hand to integrate alopecians in India. Just pen down my contact information and get in touch with me through gmail so that i can share my complete vision with you.

    Shailender Singh Chauhan
    Research scholar, lab # 5
    Department of Biochemistry
    Panjab University
    Chandigarh–160014; INDIA

    Mobile +91-98157-74719