
56, Female



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About Me:
After 36years of being the girl with the beatiful long hair in any place I lived, my pride and part of my identity left me 4 years ago..The first weeks I had an optimistic believe that the condition was temporary, and that my hair would do a comeback any day- maybe I would go blond and curly? Black and mystic? But a heavy depression hit me when I read on the internet that only 2% of AU ever get their hair back.. For 6 months I layed on my sofa, not able to decide if I should shoot my self, or end it by hanging. Thinking I couldn`t travel the world anymore, never date a man, never..I was now a bold monster that had to hide, not to disguest other people..
In Norway Alopecia is all about sickness and lost opportunities- on the web I found other stories..Miss bold contests, new possibilities. I learned that my beatiful hairdresser for many years was an AU in disguise, and suddenly I realised that they also sell flight tickets to bold people, and that some men actually prefeare women with a silky smooth body.
Today I`m stronger, and more secure about who I am, and what I want. The AU also had an positiv impact on my work as a clothes designer. My clothes are now more colourful an personal than ever. I`m more creative, less worried about what other people might think, if I`m good enough etc. That`s fantastic, and I`m also happy to be an inspiration to other people who goes through heavy stuff!
I will also tell my doctor about the Alopecia World, so he can pass it on the next time. I love to focus on possibilities, insted of the negative things you can`t change!

..only one complain; Norway is freezing cold in the winter when you have no hairy protection :)
Are you age 18 or older?

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  • Christina

  • Bob Hershberger

    Helga..Love your energy,and your story..Its one heck of a journey though,and I know Im a better person,and I can see you have grown also..Good for you,and welcome to AW..Bob
  • Ursula

    Thank you Helga;
    For the comment you have left on one of my blogs,
    Greatly appreciated, I am loving this site more & more
    Such wonderful support and encouraging people here...
    I have more friends than I had in the past :)