
Yuba City, CA

United States

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About Me:
I am 28 years old, and a stay at home mom to my 1 year old son. I have been married for just over 2 years, and I have been diagnosed with AA about 8 years ago, got the injections, and my hair grew right back. When my son was about 4 months old, I started noticing that my hair was falling out. I was going through major Post-Partum Depression, and I knew I took way too long to go to the Dermatologist, but finally about 6 months ago I went, and I was almost 50% bald. She gave me topical steroids to do for 2 weeks, and then I was to go buy Rogain. I did just that. Yes, I have new stuble and hair growin in, BUT, my hair is still falling out more and more everyday. I pull HANDFULLS out. I dread taking a shower just because of the process. I hate the Rogaine.. I actually think it is making it worse, so I just stopped using it... I have tried to have a happy heart and be positive about this. I think I do a [retty good job, but sometimes, I just HATE that this is happening. I want to just shave it off, but am so Insecure to do so. Treatments I have found online are so much money, and I am not exactly rich. My husband has been an unbelievable support to me through this. He still tries his hardest to make me feel just as beautiful as he always thinks I am, and is so loving about it. I am just stuck in this place of not knowing what I want to do. I am tired of taking the time to TRY and cover it up, I almost just can't. I would love to meet you all and hear your stories and hopefully find and build some friendships through this. I need to talk with people that know EXACTLY what I am going through. I am so glad I found this site. Hopefully I can get soe help through this.
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia areata
Are you age 18 or older?

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  • Jamie

    Hello Emilie,
    I know how you feel believe me, I am also tired of covering up the spots. And also in the spot of I don't know what to do. I've been going through that alot lately in trying to make a decision. I was so happy to find this site, anytime you want to chat, I'm here.
  • Mary

    Welcome to the National Bald Out Group, Emilie.

    I was where you are not too long ago. I thought my life would be over if I lost my hair. Then I thought it would be over if I lost my eyebrows. Two years later, and my life is great and I'm comfortable going everywhere bald. It's who I am now. Take care,
  • Tallgirl

    I am in Lincoln. Ever come down Hwy. 65? We could meet in town or at Starbuck's!