Amber Price
  • 29, Female
  • Clinton, MD
  • United States
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Amber Price's Friends

  • hannah11
  • HailHolly
  • Kelsey
  • Guiari
  • magicmike
  • Rosie
  • jammy jamshid
  • Gurtej Singh
  • Melsi
  • Swasti Shree Sharma
  • jenna
  • Rosie
  • Pearl Manson
  • Kenya Williams
  • Helen Rose Kaplan

Amber Price's Discussions

Best way to apply eyeliner for it appear as if I have eyelashes?

Started this discussion. Last reply by Theresa Jun 21, 2017. 16 Replies

So.. i've been thinking for a while. What is the best way to apply eyeliner to make it appear as if i have eyelashes? I'd rather not use fake eyelashes, there too uncomfortable, and complicated for…Continue

My website and club what is hair?

Started Mar 29, 2010 0 Replies

Ok so my mom and i decided to make a web site that brings children or adults and thier families closer to others with alopecia. ( Any one who lives in the Maryland/Virginia/D.C.…Continue

Tags: website, club, whatishair, alopecia

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Amber Price's Page

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Amber Price is now friends with ROCKSTAR: ROCKY MANUEL MARTINEZ, jammy jamshid and hannah11
Apr 20, 2020

Profile Information

Relationship Status:
In a Relationship
About Me:
i have alopecia universalis. I've had alopecia since i was 3. It started out in patches, came back and then fell out. Now i have no hair at all. Ive never really known anyone else with alopecia and i'm here to get to know people. Ohh and my eyebrows have been tattooed. :)
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia universalis
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

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Comment Wall (19 comments)

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At 12:52am on April 12, 2016, jammy jamshid said…

almost one year completed but you never reply missing you so much

At 9:56am on February 13, 2011, Pearl Manson said…
Hey Amber! Thank you for adding me. Hope you're doing alright x
At 6:07pm on January 21, 2011, Adam Elliott said…
Hey I last messaged you in april! i've not been on in ages just wondering how is everything doing?
I hope your good and hope schools ok.
At 9:16pm on January 11, 2011, Tamer Jane Sell said…
thank u for all ur advice and help im so glad i found u on facebook but thanks for listening and talking to me :D
At 8:29pm on December 29, 2010, Stacey, Olivias mom said…
You are so inspirational my daughter is 8 and a half she has alopecia universalis you are amazing. Our daughter most days doesnt mind not having hair but some days are different. I can only hope that she has your attitude at your age. She hates wigs loves hats and bandanas and we never make her feel that she has to look like everyone else. Keep up your fantastic attitude you are amazing and more people need to be as confident as you!!
At 2:34pm on December 11, 2010, Devin said…


Hey Amber,

Thanks for the add on Facebook. I see you are a big Kid Rock fan; I really loved him in the movie Joe Dirt he was to funny! I didnt even recognize him at first. Well I hope you are doing OK.

 Happy Holidays!


At 3:32pm on November 8, 2010, ADEOLA ADEFOLAJU said…
thanks for adding me
At 12:44pm on May 18, 2010, Dotty said…
Just stopping by to say hello!!!! Hope you are having a great day!!!!
Love and Hugs,
At 11:21am on April 15, 2010, Adam Elliott said…
thanks for messaging, just getting use to this whole layout :)
how's things going for you then?
At 5:01am on March 15, 2010, Susan - Jon's Mum said…
Chatting with Tanya she has added Jon on facebook. He will chat with people on facebook.
Here is his link if you are interested.!/profile.php?id=100000353350133&ref=mf




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