DT Manno
  • 52, Male
  • Jacksonville, Florida
  • United States
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DT Manno's Friends

  • lauren
  • agnes faux
  • Joseph Adams Jr
  • dollydreadful
  • JeffreySF
  • Kara
  • Dee Connelly
  • Jessica
  • Kristen Ridenhour
  • kastababy
  • rj, Co-founder

Gifts Received (1)

Red Ribbon From nitza

DT Manno's Page

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About Me:
Well, let's see. I'm Dan. Danno The Manno. That's me. I have had Alopecia for a loooonng time now. It started off as Areata when I was a teenager, Probably 14 or 15. Hell of a time in ones life to have issues like that. Anyway, I would loose patches throughout the school year and then it would all grow back over the summer vacation. I can't remember if it started during my Sophomore year or Junior year. It went like that through my Senior year. After I graduated all was well for several years. And then (Dun, dun, dun...) it started up again when I was in my early twenties. But this time it never stopped. It progressed into Alopecia Universalis. I used to be a heavy metal/rocker dude with long hair. Even had a mustache/goatee thing goin on. When the hair loss got too hard to hide, I shaved my head. Difficult decission but worth it in the long run. I used to have some regrowth and had to shave it two or three times a week. Up until maybe seven or eight years ago. Now I have pretty much total body hairloss.

So anyhoo, that's my Alopecia story. If you want to know anything interesting just ask! LOL

Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia universalis
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older
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Pets vs. People

The best thing about pets over people, is that pets don't care if you have hair or are bald, pretty or ugly, skinny or fat, short or tall. They love you unconditionally. They just want to be loved back. They don't care about yesterday or tomorrow, just now. They don't count their worth by what they own compared to someone else. All that matters is that they have someone to love and take care of them. There are few people who can claim such feats.

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At 3:52pm on March 25, 2009, JeffreySF said…
Hey Dan,

Sorry I missed you when you were here. maybe another time.
The conf are like a big crowd or anything. Sure there are lots of people there but it's not like a concert or anything.
Anyway, I hope you are doing good.
Stay in touch.

At 11:28pm on March 24, 2009, JeffreySF said…
Hey Dan,

Long time no see.
Whats up with you?
All is good here with me. Getting ready for NAAF Conf. Are you going?

At 6:21pm on September 21, 2008, Joseph Adams Jr said…
I mean for the most part i knew alot of people are affected by this disorder.Its good to talk to people who know what your going through.
At 11:22pm on September 20, 2008, JeffreySF said…
I dont mind so much. I'm kinda sick of work anyways. Plus I get paid by my employer.

Hope you are enjoying the weekend. I am working.....Grrrr

At 11:51pm on September 19, 2008, JeffreySF said…
Hi Danno,

Ugh, I am an official juror. They always pick me. I suppose it's my honest face.

I dont mind so much it's a break from work.

At 9:26pm on September 19, 2008, dollydreadful said…
cool - i really love wolves too - you shoudl check out this awesome clip on you tube - i will try and send it to your myspace - there's this guy who lived with a bunch of wolved born in captivity and he taught them how to be wild - I don;t have cable - long story involving vet bills - so I have only seen the clip I think the show aired on national geographic

i was going to get a 1/2 sleeve on my other arm with lonpopo that's the chinese ( orginal ) red riding hood and wolves -

they are loyal creatures - i respect them -

the reaper is awesome imagery too
At 7:32pm on September 19, 2008, dollydreadful said…
he's a tough boy once they did a skin scraping on his face and he just sat there stoic - the worst times are when he had to stay at the vets that happened and it made me really sick - I was crying endlessly for the time he was there my "spots" began at that time - honestly I have never felt more emotional pain than that because he couldn't understand I felt like I was abandoning him ...

tats are fabu I miss getting worked on and I plan to have exstensive work -
people sometimes stare but that's on them - I feel happy when I look at them -

they are little parts of my mind and heart :)

what kinds of tats do you have?
At 7:58pm on September 18, 2008, dollydreadful said…
Oh sorry to hear about your husky what happened?-

HGE is hemmorhagic gastro enteritis - my dog basically sometimes vomits blood if it gets very bad his blood could thicken and he could die its VERY scary when he has an attack -

he also has irritable bowel disease which if this flares up can bring on the HGE -

so we feed him mini meals - foura day and he gets carafate twice a day to keep his stomach from getting acidy and we try to prevent the IBD its an unpredictable things at times though :(
At 7:54pm on September 18, 2008, dollydreadful said…
My dog is supposedly a French Bulldog :) BUT they think he is crossed with Boston so I guess that makes him a Faux French Beaux - yes they are actually mixing these now:) no idea exactly - we pretty much think he came from a puppy mill because of hoe sick he was and when he was young he had demodetic mange which usually only dogs who have weak immune systems or were raised in horrible environments get -
i know its not PC to get a dog from the pet store but Im not really PC - its pretty phony actually I deal with reality - when I was at the Pet Shop he was there and he told me "Lady you bust me out of here I'll be your best freind":) and he has been !!!

Thanks !!My tats aren't done - I haev to back in decemeber to get the sleeve colored in - then i'llwork on the rest they are alot of fun :)

I have a myspace you are better finding me I am a spaz with adding people - I am dollydreaful I think i am the only one look me up and requestme
At 8:25pm on September 17, 2008, dollydreadful said…
oh I just reread your profile ... you have made me brave I know you get the metal head hair connection thing and your ok ... maybe i'll be ok if it continues...:)


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