Debbie Dibelka
  • Female
  • Ramona Ca
  • United States
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  • Benjamin
  • kyrie
  • Zoey
  • LeslieAnn Butler

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I have had alopecia for about 18 years. I am a hairstylist. I have two girls and have been married for 23 years.
Are you age 18 or older?

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At 2:35am on January 14, 2009, kyrie said…
Happy New Year!

I've been meaning to call you for a month, now! I need to get a hair order placed. Jamie thinks that this one is falling apart faster than the last one, but I think it's about the same.
I know this is a BUSY month for you!! How are you doing!!??

I'll try to get you called soon!
At 11:04am on December 23, 2008, Mary said…
Hi Debbie,

The Bald Girls Do Lunch website is Here is the information on the San Diego event, taken from the Press Release:

Saturday, January 3, 11:30 to 4:00 pm
Tio Leo's restaurant
3510 Valley Centre Drive
San Diego

Cost: $40 prepaid includes full lunch and a $20 tax-deductible donation to expand public awareness of women with alopecia areata, the Bald Girls Do Lunch education, support and beauty programs.

RSVP and advance payment required by 12/28/08

Bald Girls Do Lunch, Inc.
P.O. Box 9122
Scarborough, NY 10510 or use Donate button at our website or paypal to
Contact: 914.584.7662 or

The simplest thing is for you to call Thea at 914-584-7662, or go to

Let me know if you need any more info or help.

Hope to see you soon,
At 10:44am on December 22, 2008, Mary said…
Great! I just mapquested from Ramona to the location of the restaurant in the north part of San Diego, and it says it's 34 minutes. If you're interested, please preregister/RSVP as described on the Bald Girls Do Lunch site. If you have any questions, let me know. I hope to see you there!

Oh, and note that there's going to be a headwear "swap". If you have any scarves, caps, hats, wraps that you don't wear, bring them and there may be something you'd like to trade.

Happy Holidays,
At 4:59pm on December 21, 2008, Mary said…
Hi Debbie,

Do you live anywhere near San Diego or Irvine? I just posted a notice on the California group about the upcoming Bald Girls Do Lunch events on Jan 3 and 4. I'd love to meet some other AW members. Please pass the word and let me know if you need any info.

All the best,
At 11:40am on August 6, 2008, Zoey said…
I paid $200, I got a lil discount.. I will tell you what I think when I get it...
How is your week going??
At 7:18pm on August 5, 2008, Zoey said…
Hey Deb.. Okay so I bought an different wig today.. I actually went with Revlon. I have tried Revlon years ago.. but have stuck with Henry Margu..
BTW-Still havent messed with the other Heat Resistant one... I have spent way too much money on hair in the past two months!! YIKES!!!
At 2:08pm on August 4, 2008, Zoey said…
Okay... Yes.. Dont even want to think about the high school thingy yet.. I will cry my eyes out.. I already know it... I cried soo hard at his pre-school graduation. (Seems like yesterday)

about my hair.. Okay~ you name it I have tried it...
Tried the hair Direct thing.. Yep, did not like it at all.. (But, its my opinion-some people love it)
I also have tried the real hair wigs- (Your right they are too hot)
My favorite is the snythetic wigs by Henry Margu with the half of the cap mono. It seems much cooler, and I can fix the hair any way I want. I put curlers in it sometimes and get it really curly or just let it straighten out. (These are my favorites)

Recently I have a huge black and white ball I am going to. They are doing the Old Hollywood theme~So, I have the entire black gown and lots of goodies to go with it all.. I wanted to get a long glamorous wig. So, I bought something new. Its made by Alan Eaton Collection. now check this out:
It is Heat Resistant which means, you can blow dry & use curling iron. The directions state they prefer you use hot curlers. (Crazy huh)
Well, I will be sure to let you know how it goes.. My event is not til August 16th. I have tried on, got it cut.. But, have not really playing with curling it yet!! I will keep you posted for sure.

So, what have you tried? what do you use??
At 11:59am on August 4, 2008, Zoey said…
The double digit bday-- thats cute!
Yes, renting is good just to make sure you like it.. I did the same thing when I moved to Northern California, I rented for about a year and a half.. But, I fell in love with it up here. I like the water and sports and I am around all of it.. Plus close to travel to a lot of interesting places.
My son is going into 5th grade this year. He starts in a week! I can not believe this is his last year in grammar school.. Then off to Junior High. That sounds so scarey to me.. :p
I totally understand what ya mean.. People need to zip their lips sometimes. Some people act like they know whats going on (Hence that girl at the wig shop) Oh well, I let her say her peace... Do I agree, No way man...
At 1:55pm on August 3, 2008, Zoey said…
I agree with you Deb. It is so nice to talk to you too!! :)
I do not know whats gonna happen when my son goes away to college.. I have already said he can stay at home until he is (I say this now) But, I think I will miss him way too much! He has been here for me through everything. In October we are celebrating as he is telling everyone, "He's BIG 1-0" So, the plans have begun for this huge party.
Just another little thing showing that kids get old fast. I tell him all the time to enjoy it... :)
Oh well, Vegas? Why Vegas? My best friend lived there for 3 years. She liked it at first, but moved back ASAP.
Is your daughter going to UNLV? The campus is nice there.

Muah Zoey
At 11:59am on August 3, 2008, LeslieAnn Butler said…
Hmm, weird! You can get it on Type in:
If Your Hair Falls Out, Keep Dancing!
Thanks for letting me know that the link isn't working...


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