  • 57, Female
  • tonsberg
  • Norway
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  • Josef
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  • Katherine Green
  • Margaret H Baker
  • John Smith
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  • Orbit
  • Baldboi
  • gerald

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About Me:
After 36years of being the girl with the beatiful long hair in any place I lived, my pride and part of my identity left me 4 years ago..The first weeks I had an optimistic believe that the condition was temporary, and that my hair would do a comeback any day- maybe I would go blond and curly? Black and mystic? But a heavy depression hit me when I read on the internet that only 2% of AU ever get their hair back.. For 6 months I layed on my sofa, not able to decide if I should shoot my self, or end it by hanging. Thinking I couldn`t travel the world anymore, never date a man, never..I was now a bold monster that had to hide, not to disguest other people..
In Norway Alopecia is all about sickness and lost opportunities- on the web I found other stories..Miss bold contests, new possibilities. I learned that my beatiful hairdresser for many years was an AU in disguise, and suddenly I realised that they also sell flight tickets to bold people, and that some men actually prefeare women with a silky smooth body.
Today I`m stronger, and more secure about who I am, and what I want. The AU also had an positiv impact on my work as a clothes designer. My clothes are now more colourful an personal than ever. I`m more creative, less worried about what other people might think, if I`m good enough etc. That`s fantastic, and I`m also happy to be an inspiration to other people who goes through heavy stuff!
I will also tell my doctor about the Alopecia World, so he can pass it on the next time. I love to focus on possibilities, insted of the negative things you can`t change!

..only one complain; Norway is freezing cold in the winter when you have no hairy protection :)
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Comment Wall (16 comments)

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At 1:45am on March 10, 2009, Ursula said…
Thank you Helga;
For the comment you have left on one of my blogs,
Greatly appreciated, I am loving this site more & more
Such wonderful support and encouraging people here...
I have more friends than I had in the past :)
At 1:13am on December 31, 2008, Bob Hershberger said…
Helga..Love your energy,and your story..Its one heck of a journey though,and I know Im a better person,and I can see you have grown also..Good for you,and welcome to AW..Bob
At 6:43pm on November 17, 2008, Christina said…
At 6:43pm on November 17, 2008, Christina said…
Ville bara söga hej till dig i från mig!
At 4:13pm on May 27, 2008, LeslieAnn Butler said…
Wow! You have a wonderful story!
I've had au since about 1985. LeslieAnn
At 11:50pm on April 29, 2008, Ken said…
Wow, Helga, I was struck by what you wrote...about the level of depression that set in when you began to realize that your hair was not likely to grow back. You are a beautiful woman and that has little to do w/ how you look, but who you are. And by the way, your strength and character aside, you're stunning! :)
At 8:39am on April 27, 2008, gerald said…
You are a very beautiful bald lady.
Some of the most lovely women are bald women, including my wife, who has AU, and is gorgeous bald.
You can see a lady's feminine features better if she has short hair or is bald. A bald head on a beautiful lady is sensual and makes her more beautiful.

Myself and my wife are Americans, but my wife is part Norweigan. She had ancestors from Oslo who immigrated to America in the 1920s, to New York City. Where you live in Norway, what part of Norway is it? Is it near Oslo?
At 12:51pm on April 18, 2008, Katherine Green said…
Heya Helga,

I would love to know more about the clothes that you design because i work in fashion market research.

Please get in touch with me sometime,ok


At 2:57pm on April 7, 2008, Karina said…
Hej, sitter och tittar hur många/få är ifrån Norden här - och jag hittade dig :)
Mvh Karina
At 12:21pm on March 21, 2008, Roger said…
Hej Helga =)

Jag åker ner den 18-23 juni till Louisville =) Skulle du vilja följa med?



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