  • Female
  • Berlin
  • Germany
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  • HannahLynn
  • Volker

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About Me:
I am a professional singer and voice teacher. I have had AA totalis and universalis for ca. 10 years. I had a wonderful remission that lasted almost 4 years. During this time, my once brown wavy hair grew back dark brown-black and curly. I think this was a reconsiling from the universe to make up for the painful years without hair. I have always wanted to have natural curls- and I now have some. But now (2012), it is all falling out again.
I can not afford a wig. so I make do with hats and scarves and hope that I can hide it for as long as possible. I only have to hide my alopecia for work. No one in my profession would understand alopecia. They all want musicians who look like models.
In my private world, I can be as bald as I want. My husband even finds total baldness sexy!
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia universalis
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

Comment Wall (4 comments)

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At 2:19pm on February 5, 2013, HannahLynn said…
Hey, ich bin auch bei der TK versichert und bekomme seit 2 Jahren meine Perücke über die und es hat immer alles super geklappt. Bei einer Kunsthaarperücke werdeb alle 12 m ca. 360 dazugezahlt. Bei einer Echthaar alle 24 M ca. 800 €.
du brauchst halt nur ein Rezept vom Arzt, für die Echthaar muss dir (irgendeine) Allergie bescheinigt werden. Ich könnte dir auch ein paar gute Perückenläden hier in Berlin empfehlen. Glg! Hannah
At 5:39pm on November 2, 2012, LeslieAnn Butler said…

Hello and welcome!
How are you today? I have AU, too.
Leslie Ann

At 8:15am on October 31, 2012, Volker said…
At 9:24pm on October 14, 2012, Angela said…

Welcome Kahlediva!



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