Children's Alopecia Project's Blog (4)

Longing for a cure - Defeated by alopecia

It is amazing how many emails and messages I get about other organizations dealing with alopecia. My canned response has always been, "We are stronger together then we are apart." I mean this, I am not just saying it to be politically correct. When I founded CAP I did so because I wanted more for my daughter then what was out there. The oldest and largest is NAAF and was the only thing I could fine in 2003. They had the annual conference but that was all until they incorporated Charlie's… Continue

Added by Children's Alopecia Project on July 26, 2011 at 6:00pm — 3 Comments

Children's Alopecia Project on Philly2Philly

Check out the latest on the Children's Alopecia Project on Philly2Philly

The latest NBC-10 Philadelphia story is there too!

Added by Children's Alopecia Project on March 22, 2011 at 10:16pm — No Comments

Alopeciapalooza 2010 keynote speaker announced!

Hi Parents. Be sure to wish your Kids with alopecia a Happy "Children with Alopecia Day" Today!!

And what better day than today to announce our Key Note Speaker for Alopeciapalooza 2010!!

Staciana (Stitts) Winfield, fellow alopecian and 2000 U.S. Olympic gold medalist, will talk to us and our CAP Kids about Overcoming Adversity and Finding Your Life Passion, not to mention teach a swim clinic too in Camp Canadensis' olympic-size pool.

Don't Delay! Register for… Continue

Added by Children's Alopecia Project on April 14, 2010 at 2:24pm — 1 Comment

Alopeciapalooza 2010

Hey everyone!

Alopeciapalooza 2009 was held in Philadelphia and was attended by 52 families with 65 alopecians making our first convention a huge success! A little over 200 people building self-esteem, providing support and raising awareness in the City of Brotherly Love!

We have done a lot of work in finding the next host city of Alopeciapalooza and have norrowed it down to Baltimore and Chicago. Both are great cities with much to offer but only one can be the host city.… Continue

Added by Children's Alopecia Project on October 11, 2009 at 9:51pm — No Comments


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