UPDATE!!!! Craziness... but what isn't in my life.

SO.... HAIRS ARE GROWING BACK IN CERTAIN SPOTS.... wait for it wait for it.....

Oh that's right, the hairs growing back are completely WHITE!

I can't wait, I hope long white hairs start to grow and then hopefully it will cover my head and then I can have the hair of an 80 year old women. I'll grow it out all long and then I'll start carrying a staff and you can then call me Gandolf or Dumbeldor... haha. I like let it all down and roll down the windows while I drive and let my white flowing hair fly in the wind.

IF you have not noticed I am being completely sarcastic. It's growing in spots and its little white patches of white randomness. At first I was like what the hell is this? That lasted for like a second and then I laughed and picked up my mom's brush and pretended to do a comb-over with my one, less than and inch tall, white hair.

Other than that... nothing new. About to start a new semester at school, working 40 -45 hours a week. Kinda want to go on a diet, but I'm to lazy. Just say "The House Bunny" in theaters, it was alright. Um... now I'm just chillaxin like always.

Bored. Bored. Bored. I think I want a new tattoo I already have three. One right below my neck thats the size of my hand the other in the web between my thumb and forefinger and then one on my right wrist and another on my left forearm. So I'm guessing thats like... 4. I'm really bad at math.

I KNOW AN ASIAN BAD AT MATH! Trust me I wish I was good at it. But hey... I love techno and DDR so give me a break. And I am an expert with Chopsticks.

Peace and chicken grease.


Views: 5

Comment by traci on August 25, 2008 at 1:21am
haha i'm an Asian bad at math too, don't worry! i always pull out my tiny, heart-shaped calculator when someone asks me a math question and they just stare at me.

good luck with your busy schedule! =)
Comment by Carol on August 25, 2008 at 7:27am
Peace and chicken grease! haha you crack me up! Give them white hairs a chance, they could pick up some pigment as they get longer! Maybe you could get a tattoo on your head, that's usually pretty impressive, ask Dotty or Willow on alopecia world. Anywho, good luck! :)
Comment by Carmella on August 25, 2008 at 2:49pm
Dang that's a lot of work for starting school back up! I'm sure you've got this though. I want a new tattoo too! But that would require me to get a job and I don't think I could handle the house, kids, husband, nursing school, dogs and a job - LOL.


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