Well i hope I'm not speaking too soon, but I wanted to give an update to all my friends and new-comers that may be cruising through Alopecia World in search of some positive results, news, episodes... I started losing my hair in January 2008. By May most of it had fallen out (about 95%), however before I lost it all (as you can see from my pics) I had some regrowth. I "tip-toed" around my new hair paying very little attention to it. I didn't want to get too attached to it or scream to everyone I know, "Hey, its all over!!! Look at my hair coming back!!" out of fear of just losing it all again. I took some time off from Alopecia World, went about everyday life, stopped the painful, side-effect riddled injections, experimented with Hair in a Can, extensions, ONE wig (for a day) ball caps, bandanas, etc. and I'm proud to say that I now have over 3 inches of brand new hair on some parts of my head. Aside from a very small bald patch in front, it seems as if all follicles are a "go". They've turned back on and making more hair! Its a little darker and curlier than before, but its thick and MINE! I went to a stylist yesterday, she shaped it up for me and I actually ventured into public for the 1st time without something covering my head! Ha...the little things I took for granted.

I know that this condition affects us all differently and I may only be able to bask in my hairy glory for a short time, but I'm hoping that my positive outlook my have contributed to its return (who really knows though). Mainly I can only hope that there are others looking through Alopecia World as I did, reading stories in search of some good regrowth news. I feel much more mentally healthy when I'm not absorbed in self pity (of which I've had an abundance) and it "seems" to have worked. At least I'll stick to that story... :)

And if it turns loose again (shhhhh), then at the very least, I've had a very short style that I NEVER would have gotten on my own. I'll have the pictures, memories, pride and admiration from my close friends family at all I've overcome since this started. Not to mention a strange confidence in myself for keeping my chin up and trying to find the good in each phase I'm dealt.

Views: 33

Comment by Melissa Harris on August 30, 2008 at 11:21pm
Wow thank you so much for sharing this story!! I an going through this exact same thing right now and I am so going through all of the emotions now. I'm not sure what to do at this point, but you give me hope. How many shots did you get and when did you stop? I have only had 1 round going on my next one soon. Did you eventually shave your head and how long did it take for you to get that growth back, 3 months?! That seems quick! I'm really happy for you and hope that you stay in remission!! Just try to keep the stress down and eat well and sleep well, take good care of yourself. I know that sounds cliche', but I think there is really something to taking good care of yourself when you have AA. I was beginning to get really down on myself thinking, what's the point, I'm going to loose and regrow my hair for the rest of my life, and wanted to give up this battle that I've been fighting. But when I saw your picture, I got some hope back. Thank you so much for sharing and please let us know how you are doing as you move on in life. I think it helps people like us who are just starting on this journey. Thanks! PS. You look good with short hair by the way AND you look so happy too! Enjoy your life!!
Comment by Helen on August 31, 2008 at 12:13am
what a wonderful outcome for you. It is so good to read some positive posts as I have found many stories I have read have made me quite down about having alopecia. It has only been three months for me but my hair came out rapidly over two weeks so I realise it is still very early days. I have lost about 80% of my hair and have shaved the rest off.
Your photos are great especially your new growth . This is why I joined this support group as it is great to read the negatives and the positives. I realsie everyone is so different so good luck with your hair growth
cheers Helen
Comment by Mandy on August 31, 2008 at 7:58pm
Diedre, this is sooooo great. Congratulations on the regrowth. I really really hope your hair stays put for you! But if it doesn't, I'm so happy that you have such a fantastic attitude.



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