wow! that is all i can say to this site and everyone that has contacted me. i have been reading so many of your stories and i am truely inspired. i want to be like everyone of you and i am tired of hearing myself whine about this. i know that i will have good and bad days but i just want to get to the point that my hair is the least most important thing in my world. why do i constantly have to dwell on this and what does that say about me? there are so many things that i am interested in and so many things that i like to do and have done, that this should not define me. so that is my goal to not let it. and i am going to find a great wig shop (have to look for one) and get a really great wig and then i know that will help. there is just so much to learn about wigs - who knew there was so much to them?

Views: 1

Comment by Tony on October 3, 2008 at 12:03pm
"why do i constantly have to dwell on this and what does that say about me?"

It says that you are normal. Acceptance doesn't happen overnight. For many of us, regardless of what's on the outside, it's still a work in progress on the inside. Know that you have made progress as you are now looking's hard to see where you are going if you are always looking back. Goals are important. I can't help when it comes to wigs but there are many here who can and most likely will...
Comment by Jenn on October 3, 2008 at 12:18pm
thanks tony! im surprised to realize how much better i have felt just since yesterday! it blows my mind actually. i will research the wig problem, i will keep trying. i will have to post some pics of my hair now it is completely white and very thin where it is coming back. my scalp is so pink that it really does look like i have been through chemo
Comment by Stephanie on October 3, 2008 at 9:58pm
You're absolutely right your hair loss DOES NOT DEFINE YOU! And realizing that is a really important step. I don't think there are many people in this community who don't still or haven't in the past dwelled on their hair loss. Especially when this very physical difference between you and most of your friends is right there staring you in the face every time you look in the mirror or every time you have to scratch your head. But you've made a really important discovery that your hair loss doesn't define you. Only you can define you. Keep your head up and use this opportunity to lean on people who have (and are still) in your shoes. You don't have to go it alone.
Comment by Celeste Edwards on October 4, 2008 at 11:20am
Hey Friend!

I'd love to go wig shopping with you if I didn't live so far away!!!! I have a new theme song ... I am not my hair by India Arie .. Give it a listen ... Helps give me strength :) Cause isn't that the TRUTH!!

Take Care!


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