Apple pies and the "Man's handbook"

Finally Friday. Yippee! Youngest DD will have her girlfriend over tonight to pick apples, then put together pies from scratch for a local apple pie contest. The night holds the promise of boisterous giggling, empty pizza boxes and soda cans…plus remnants of whatever other ‘goodies’ they gobble down…not to mention the flour and stickies on the floor, ceiling (don’t ask), counters, pets and young women present. I’m certain the conversations will wander from topic to topic…school, fashion, music…and boys when Dad is out of ear shot. The house will be a home tonight, full of laughter, light, love and life…a setting which is always welcome regardless of the mayhem.

With any luck, the sponsors of the contest will take pity on dear old Dad…that would be me…who sent out the entry forms at the last minute only to have the envelope return due to the lack of postage. Sigh…I was wondering why I had an extra stamp. I’ll place a call later this morning to beg forgiveness for my ineptitude. I’m prepared to plead my case, professing to be but a typical man. I’m certain that the “Man’s Handbook” specifically states the males of the species can not be held accountable for reciting names or dates not specifically tied to a sporting event let alone remembering to apply proper postage to mailings. Anyone woman who is familiar with men will undoubtedly agree that the faux pas was inherent to my gender and, therefore, outside of my control. Fingers crossed. (Just heard back from a nice lady running the contest… she said not to worry as it’s difficult enough for a Dad to do anything right in the eyes of a teenage girl so the girls can register when they drop off the pies!!! She is a wise woman indeed.)

I reminded DD and friend that they will need to be out of the rack by 8 AM if we are to drop their entries off before the 9 AM deadline. At least I can get this part right. Of course, neither is looking forward to the loss of beauty sleep considering the all night chat which is part & parcel of any good sleep over. The winners won’t be announced ~2 PM so the plan is to drop off the pies, then head back to the house for a breakfast of whip cream covered, “hanging over the edge of the plate” pancakes & huevos rancheros. Perhaps the bribe will make up for me waking them before noon.

Gramma, Papa and Auntie are planning to come out for the judging. Gramma is anticipating bragging rights having tasted a delicious pumpkin pie made from scratch by youngest DD a few weeks back…Papa is simply wondering if there will be any leftovers for him to take home. DD reminded him that there would have been extra pumpkin pie last time around if he hadn’t gone back for seconds…and thirds. Leftovers shouldn’t be a problem as we plan to make enough to send one home with everyone. Should be a great day regardless if a prize is won. As far as I’m concerned, there is no greater prize than a day spent with family and friends...Happy weekend everyone!

Views: 6

Comment by Tony on October 9, 2008 at 11:07am
“The best laid schemes o’ mice an’ men” as they say. Some parts of the night went as planned…the giggling, the food, the conversations. It took them 3 hours to make two pies but less than 5 minutes to total the kitchen. Somewhere between the pizza and the conversation, they ran off to DDs bedroom to talk about ‘boys’. The sleep over went awry due to a change of plans with DDs friend. No worry, they still had big fun. Sadly, DD came down with the stomach flu (or too much pizza, wings and whatever else they ate) Saturday morning. The pies did get delivered on time nonetheless but the rest of the day was spent cuddling a sick child. She was a light shade of green while we were in the hall which by then was filled with the smell from over 50 pies. Personally, I was drooling. I had to call the family and cancel. That’s OK, the apples will get even sweeter the longer they are on the tree. DD was still a little rough around the edges by Sunday but I knew she was better when she ate a half dozen pancakes. Kids, wish I stilled bounced like that…


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