I haven't been here much lately, just enough to check up on things. I'm officially single now, my ex moved out three days ago (finally after I helped him move) and my emotions are still a handbag of variety. About two weeks ago I had a little issue at work about the wig I was wearing in and I don't know if it's just me or the stress I've been having but I didn't like what people were saying. I had one old guy, a customer, tell me he liked my hair colour and asked if we had a stain to match so he could do his deck and another guy I work with was teasing me about the colour. The next day I wore my other wig in, despite the fact that it really looks ratty. I'm hoping a cut will fix it because I really can't afford a new wig now. I juggled the notion of asking the store manager if I can come in as myself but I'm not sure if I will or not. It's complicated because they say they will not discriminate however the dress code states that our hair must be well groomed (can you say loophole???). There is a girl at work with male pattern baldness and she doesn't wear a wig but absolutely refuses that she has a form of alopecia or that she has a problem and that's great if she's coping with it. She still has most of her hair, it's just thining. I let her know I was there for her anyways if she ever needs someone to talk to but we get along great.

Being single so far has it's ups and downs. I don't have anyone to get things off a high shelf, kill a spider or open a tough jar lid however I also don't have anyone telling me when and how they'd like something done and get yelled at for not doing it the exact way they would have done it. My king size bed feels more like a raised floor - way too much space! I don't watch TV really so it's been super quiet here at night and I spend a lot of time on msn talking to friends. I have to get back into some hobbies I've pushed aside over the years such as painting and wood burning. I'm making a lot of new friends at work but they are just work friends so far and many of the people I work with are still in their early 20's so I don't expect to go and get shitfaced every weekend when I have responsibilities. It's just too bad that everyone's hobby in Guelph seems to be drinking or going to church cause neither are my thing. I'm sure in time I will sort things out a little better but everything's still cloudy for now. Anyhow, I'm still around so give me a shout if ya see me here.

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Comment by Carol on October 10, 2008 at 10:27pm
Thanks Bogie. In Canada were more into the turkey and family thing, not much else going on. I'd vacuum the spiders too but they tend to stay up in the corners where I can't get at them - it's a bit stupid but they terrify me LOL I couldn't sew if my life depended on it either (I failed home economics but soared in shop class). I hate cooking but like to bake - go figure. I'm still trying to figure out if I truly do want to go to work bald though. It's a very public job so I can see why they wouldn't like that but I'm also self conscious about my bad wigs. It really is time for a new one but the budget is tight, I'm just a cashier. I will be wearing my electric red wig to work for halloween though and I don't care what anyone says - I do it every year. Everyone knows I wear a wig, only a few have seen my with a bandana on when I went in to pick up paint one day and only one person has seen me with nothing because I whipped off my hair walking home from work one day. No one seems to have any real issues with that. We'll see what time has to offer. Thanx for your ideas though. :)
Comment by Carol on October 10, 2008 at 10:36pm
LMAO Thanks Bogie!!! I just won't do plumbing or windows. :P
Comment by Ken on October 16, 2008 at 4:23pm
My ex-boyfriend was a tall exterminator with strong hands. And he was incredibly passive. You and he sound perfect for each other! : ) Why do you have to live in Canada? And where is Guelph? Do they call it "The Guelph of Canada"? And is it like The Gulf of Mexico, except it's Canadian so it's frozen? Does the fact that I love Polar Bears and Canadian Bacon make me an honorary citizen?


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