Hello. I have been diagnosed with alopecia areata. I have only had it for about a month and have many patches all over my head. I was just put on prednisone for 24 days and a topical cream. I was hop…

Hello. I have been diagnosed with alopecia areata. I have only had it for about a month and have many patches all over my head. I was just put on prednisone for 24 days and a topical cream. I was hoping someone here has had experience with prednisone and if it did any good. Also, if you have many patches, at what point do you know if you might lose eybrows or go totally bald? I am in need of support, This is just happening so fast. Thanks. 

Views: 115

Comment by Sam on January 1, 2018 at 10:10pm

Hi Sam,

i'm sorry you are going through this. My experience with Prednisone was that it helped temporarily regrow some hair, but the hair fell out after it was stopped.  It can't be taken long term due to side-effects, so it was a dead end for me.  

Here is a previous discussion on prednisone:


Alopecia is so unpredictable that you never know how it will progress.  For some people, it is temporary and the hair grows back and for others it progresses to no scalp or body hair.  There are new medicines that are currently being tested such as JAK inhibitors, and I'm hopeful that there will be better treatments in the next few years.


Comment by Sam on January 2, 2018 at 9:25pm

Thanks for the response. So far the prednisone has had little to no good results. It is hard to tell really.  They want to put me on a strong drug used for mostly cancer. I am not sure if it would be worth it. 

Comment by Lisa on February 27, 2018 at 3:35pm

Hi Sam,

I have had alopecia most of my life. It started when I was 5 years old. I went through a mostly prednisone, some steroidal shots and some creams treatment throughout the course of my youth. None of those had much of a success rate for me. I will mention I was diagnosed with AUniversalis. 

Oddly, when I was in my early twenties and taking no meds at all I had a regrowth of my hair enough to go without my wig for about 7 years. It was pretty thin but how refreshing to go without the wig. When I became pregnant with my first child, I lost all my hair again and it has never come back like it did when I was in my twenties. I have opted out of treatments for many years....just because. 

It seems to me...this Alopecia has a "mind of it's own" and that it does what it wants when it wants. It seems very fickle with each individual. 

My advice....learn...try... very hard to love yourself with or without hair! I am still working on that...but gaining ground! We are very blessed to have this support sight and also NAAF to help with that. I had no support groups when I was young and going through my school years! 

Hang in there and stay connected to as many positive people and readings as you can find! 

You are loved and lovely and valuable!! 




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