i hate that whenever u stop going out w/ some1, u hardley evr talk again!!! wel minus tj. he scares me. but anyway, i refuse for things to be like that w/ me. im buds w/ spencer. (not tj hes scary) justin, (im saying no to him btw) and tommy. lol speaking of tommy im getting ovr him. we had a contest today who could say "haaaay" first whenevr we saw each other and i one once and so did he. it was hilarious. i said haaaay to evry1 just cuz i could.
its not in my intrest 2 wollow 4 all eternity. i like cole now. but tommy suggested i stay single for awhile. i wonder wat that means....
o well. and 2day kortney was like "omg u should so go out with keaton. u guys flirt like all the time" but i know thats not gonna happen. i mean ya i would go out w/ him. but ithink cole would be bettr for me. tho i doutb hes gonna ask me out now. but im gonna jinx myself if i keep goin on about it. and he knows that i wear a wig so ill kno if he really likes me. and im thinking i want a new wig. the one a have looks pretty fake. especially if ppl already think that, cuz i told my friend danielle cuz she asked and she said her mom works at whitecliffs and has really good hair pieces. so at some point ill probly get on from there. if u wanna look at how real they look, click the link at the bottom of this blog.
ANYWAYS (dang i keep getting off topic)
i had a better day 2day. i saw tommy 2day and we did our lil haaaays and i felt better. i've been wondering all day wat changed my mood and appearantly it was that. haha im such a ditz.
omg in computer keyboarding i found out i can type at 23 wpm. i may not be doing it exactly right but its fun anyway. lol.
now ill explain y tj scares the crap outta me.
well....hes a man whore. im sry to say, but its 100% true. he went out w/ 7 girls in 2 weeks. explain to me how thats is not manwhoreish. hell probly nvr marry. and if he does id bet hed be divorced in a month. omg me and tommy were talking, and i told him this. ok me and tj were on the fone one nite and he asked wat i was doing and i said im on the floor in my room doing hw. and he said "ur on the floor? thats sexy." creepy ik. and tommys like "WTFFF??? IM IN A CHAIR IS THAT SEXY??" LMAO god i couldnt stop laffing!!!
but ya thats just one of the many things that makes him a future petafile. lol
o and tommy sent me this forward and it said that if u send it 2 ten ppl ur tru love will call u txt u or come to ur door. so of course me and him were all hyped up. going NINE MINITES!! FIVE MINUTES!!! and counting down. of course nothing happened when it turned nine. but tommys like "I GOTSA TEXT! its from sara...."(his ex) im like o.o lol and he sed FALSE ALARM!!! and i said U LIED TO ME??? HOW COULD U?? lol jk it was funny. we talk more than we did when we went out.
well i think thats enuff for one blog. TTYL!

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Comment by Courtney on October 15, 2008 at 9:59pm
he is. hes the funniest dude in the world.


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