Hello to everyone on this site. I am a single mom to the best little girl, Peyhton. She is about to turn 7 years old next month! I am starting his page for my beautiful little girl!

She was diagnosed about 3 years ago with Alopecia. It began when the fighting with her father and his then new gf(now wife)started and they began putting her in the middle of our grown up problems. It comes and goes in waves. It is just in spots on her head, but at times they have been small&few, other times they are many&large. She has dealt with it quite well & it has only recently begun to illict teasing from classmates, she is in the 1st grade now.

She used to not care how we did her hair, if her spots would be showing, but now she is very self concious of them showing even a little bit. It usually occurs on the lower back of her hair, the areas above both her ears and sometimes on the top of her head. Most of the time we are able to style her hair to disguise it, but they do occasionally show.

I've started becoming concerned about what will happen when she starts entering higher grades and receives more and more teasing especially with all you hear about what lengths children will go to these days to torment their classmates. Reading some others posts about their childhood experiences does not disuade my fears either. I just hope that she can gain enough confidence and support from this site that it helps her make it through those difficult years. I hope in coming on this site we can find her friends her age that she can talk with and that it will help her to not feel so alone with this.

Views: 3

Comment by Trina on April 11, 2008 at 9:53am

i can understand your frustration. Her trigger may have been the stress as we all seem to have different triggers. I am a product of AU and my daughter recently developed AA she is well adjusted for 8. She does still have enough to cover it up. Have you taken her to a dermatologist? I will say that it is a touchy subject and kids can be cruel, just from my own experience. But teach her self love and that will help a lot. You are right in that older kids dont tend to know how to deal with things that are out of the norm. Maybe you could explain to her and then the class what she is going through. I know as a parent it is hard and having people to talk to it about will definately help her. When I went through this I knew of no one that had Alopecia. At least she will know that she is not alone and there are others like her
Comment by Carol on April 11, 2008 at 2:03pm
By coming here you have taken the best action you can take! I wish my mother had taken the time to learn more about alopecia and to be as supportive as you are being. I kinda went through everything blindly so my own experiences were probably more severe than some other peoples stories (if you happened to have read mine) but don't let these stories scare you because everyone's situation is so unique. Many of these nightmare stories are due to the fact that their support team wasn't big or strong enough. I wish you luck though, it's a bit of a pickle but I'm sure you'll both pull through.


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