So i have had one and a half eyebrows for about 3 years now. Well as of last week that is no more. The dumb things decided to fall out. All in a matter of 3 days. Well at least the conference is coing up i can get some of tose temp tattos ones and not pay for shipping. Gott love saving some momey. The confernece is 13 days away!!!!!!!! Im so excited i cant stand myself.

Views: 4

Comment by Mandy on June 9, 2008 at 9:08am
Aw I'm sorry you lost your eyebrows. :(
Comment by Roger on June 9, 2008 at 2:01pm
I have one eyebrow =) But im still a happy man =)

10 days and counting =)=)

Comment by BrandyLynn on October 28, 2008 at 8:45am
Hey Jennifer!! Boy, read this little post of yours and am so envious of you!! Wish I was near a'd it go??
Reason I'm commenting is..well. I got diagnosed w/AA last year and have learned to deal with what it's handing me. I've had my ups and ....big downs but am accepting more every day. Yesterday I went to put my make up on and noticed my eyebrows were a bit off kilter. Looked a bit closer and realized I'm now losing my eyebrows!! Oh's not really noticeable unless I point it out but not sure what/how to feel now. My AA is turning into more now...either AT or AU. I get the two of them mixed up but who knows what this will progress into. And not sure how to handle this now? I"m pretty comfortable w/what hair is gone. I have two wigs but wear them only when I go out sometimes. Otherwise it's just wrapped up w/a bandana.
How did you handle just one eyebrow? Did you draw it in with pencil? What do you suggest for just a partial missing eyebrow?? LOL.
I'm finding humor the best relief right now to deal with this new loss.
And wanting to find what other people do with their loss.
Thanks for listening..


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