I discovered this site by doing a web search and came upon it. I would like to share with you how I deal with this condition. As a boy growing up into my teens I had bald spots here and there, the hair grew back, but the being teased part I never fully understood why it happened. I had a head of curly hair, at times wild looking. I started losing my hair in my 30's thinking it was stress, I lost my eye lashes and eye brows. It was until later in 2003 when I was working at a lumberyard doing security when a customer leaving asked me if I had alopecia, I did not know what he meant. Later he came back with some info from the organization that explained what it was. More and more I was losing my hair, did it bother me? yeah. I was never really diagnosed by a doctor not being able to afford to see one. I lost all body hair, the starnge thing was that I never had hairy arms or legs and thought nothing of it. I did some research on it and came to terms with what I deal with. I have had a lady friend asked me if I shaved my legs and said no...she was envious I had to laugh.
Have I fully dealt with this? yes and no. I look through my pictures and miss my hair, then again bald men are sexy hehehehe. My best friend teases me now and then about my curly light hair I used to have he called me curly top then, it does not offend me because he has been my best friend since I was 12 yrs old. Anyway, I feel so welcomed here and not alone in dealing with this.
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