i have had AA for a looooonnnnnnnggggggg time now and only started talking about it 3 years ago when i got to the point that i couldn't hide it as well and needed a wig. ok so today i goy my first negative reaction when i told this one person about my AA. some of you know me,i can't repeat what was said quiet yet but would like to know what some of the nagative comments you have gotten and how you handled it.
hugs and kittens,

Views: 2

Comment by Tony on July 9, 2008 at 6:13am
Hope the negative reaction didn't spoil your day. There out there...those without a lick of common sense. I've had a few of the "are you sick?" comments. Most folks are genuinely concerned. I take that as a positive if someone cares enough about you as a person to go there. There have been a few purely idiotic remarks...i.e "What the heck possessed you to shave your head?" There was another which was fairly crude...this is a family site so we'll leave it at that. Most of the time I just ignore folks like this. They have the social skills of a rock and nothing I say is going to change that. Notthat it doesn't get under my skin from time to time...
Comment by Lolin on July 9, 2008 at 7:28am
even though it wasn't the nicest thing said i didn't get mad or upset really. thank you for your input :-)
Comment by Mandy on July 9, 2008 at 9:24am
Lolin, I'm sorry to hear you got a negative reaction from someone. That can't be easy. I haven't encountered one of those yet, but I'm sure it would be upsetting. You know you rock, girl, and who cares what they said!
Comment by Carol on July 12, 2008 at 3:40pm
It gets easier as you go because you become more accepting of yourself the longer you deal with alopecia. Although it seems rude in itself, a sarcastic response to a rude question or comment can at least satisfy your ego in that you stood up for yourself. With a bit of humour at your side, no one can bring you down! Keep your chin up! :)


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