I read the obit of Randy Pausch last week. At 47, Mr. Pausch succumbed to pancreatic cancer, leaving behind a family, a career, and a legacy for all. Saddened, yet not surprised by his inevitable passing, I sorted through the semi-organized mess on my desk and pulled out the transcript from his now famous "Last Lecture". The video is an hour in length, a full 26 pages transcribed, but well worth the view or read:


I once again read the words in Mr. Pausch’s presentation entitled “Achieving Your Childhood Dreams”. His courage, his zest for life are contagious…”We cannot change the cards we are dealt, just how we play the hand.” . These words of inspiration from a man who knew all too well how precious life is despite the obstacles, brick walls as he calls them, placed in our way.

The lecture is not about death or dying. Rather, his words relate to life and, more importantly, living…really living. “It’s not about how to achieve your dreams. It’s about how to lead your life. If you lead your life the right way, the karma will take care of itself. The dreams will come to you.” A thought to ponder.

Many years ago, I worked as a wet behind the ears technician for a seasoned engineer. His designs were marginal but rather than admit to the shortcomings he would quip, “if it doesn’t fit, you’re not using a big enough hammer”. Brute force was the order of the day…make it work instead of addressing the real issue. So often in life, I’ve reached for the 10 pound sledge to ‘make it fit’. In retrospect, the 'bigger hammer' mentality has caused more trouble than I care to remember.

Karma has led me to where I am today. I’m here for a reason, one which admittedly I have yet to fully comprehend. Nevertheless, here I stand, with a world of opportunity at my finger tips if I only have the courage to pick up the gauntlet. The challenge is to live my dreams regardless of alopecia or other brick walls place in my path. As Mr. Paush said, ”The best of the gold’s at the bottom of barrels of crap.” Ain’t that the truth…

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