21 years old and recently diagnosed with alopecia areata

Hello out there!
My name is Violet, I'm 21 years old and was recently diagnosed with alopecia areata. I've noticed very little hair loss in 8th grade but thought nothing of it since I seen my little sister and brother had the same little situation on their head. Once I had my daughter in January of 2010 I immediately got the Mirena IUD and noticed a significant amount of hair loss on both sides of my head by my parietal bone. I thought their was no hope so I decided to do nothing about it. As the years went on both sides just started to fall out and I was ashamed in putting my hair up. I have very long hair that reaches down the bottom of my back so it is easy to just leave my hair done and hide it. I just went to see a dermatologist on Thursday and had a biopsy done on me which hurt like hell and I received two stitches on the right side of my head, they are most positive that it is alopecia areata and gave me a foam to put on the margins of my head to start the regrowth process and are speaking on steroid shots soon. I'm hoping that I can receive my head full of hair back. I'm very insecure with everything about me. I have yet to tell my boyfriend because I am scared of the response, and I know I'm probably thinking things over too much. When I work out at the gym I just always throw my hair in a pony and wrap a thick headband around my head to cover up the bald spots. When I wear a pony to work I wear a very low one so my bald spots wont show. I'm just hoping this works very soon. I have yet to take out my Mirena IUD, which might help but who knows. Thank you for reading my blog and I wish the best results for everyone here at Alopecia World.


Views: 79

Comment by Susan Innes on June 10, 2013 at 5:51pm

Hello Violet - Sorry about the diagnosis and the disturbing feelings that accompany the disease. All of your coverup is very familiar to me, as if it were yesterday... and it's been a couple of decades. I'm not sure if there is such a thing as "thinking things over too much." The disease by its nature consumes our lives because we are surrounded by reminders of the significance that hair plays in our society; we are often judged by its quality or the shortage of it.

When it's thinning, people often will keep testing the hair to see if it's still coming out, running their fingers through it. It may suddenly stop and there may be regrowth but it requires many months. I hope that you'll be able to shed some of your boyfriend concerns as it would be nice to have his support; unfortunately, it's a tough call as to how he'll respond. I certainly can understand your fears in the disclosure. If you continue to lose more hair, there may not be a choice; let's hope you see some improvement with the medical treatments.

If you'd like to see some other members from Wisconsin, please click on "Groups" up above and search for "Alopecians in Wisconsin." There are some possibilities in the Milwaukee area to meet other members. "Hugs" Susan


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