Well thats it my hair is definitely coming out now and im am so gutted this is happening again and i have only had about 7months of enjoying my hair being back. I cant cope with this at all and cannot accept this. People around me have no idea how i am feeling and some say i cope well, but im crumbling inside. I am going to go for counselling to try help me accept this as i cant let it rule my life which it is doing just now. I went to order a new wig yesterday just in case all my hair came out but it is just coming away :( sorry for the huge rant but no one else apart from other people with alopecia knows how i feel.

Views: 80

Comment by Tracey on March 19, 2012 at 12:00am

I am so very sorry, Lynne. Such an a personal hell to watch the damage happen while keeping it together on the outside. I hope you find some relief in counseling. I'm trying yoga next. Both that and meditation are advocated at the cancer center where I work to assist patients with coping and healing. I figure it can't hurt. Hang in there-- you're not alone... sending a hug your way.

Comment by Cassandra on March 20, 2012 at 3:54am

So Sorry to hear Lynne, I too have recently discovered the return of Alpecia its my 3rd dose and I'm only 29, this time has been horrible, I have crumbled so many times, tears keep flowing without control, more so when the hair fall is visable on my hairbrush, pillow, hands in the shower... For this time its the hardest I have more hair loss then the other times and in the past 3 weeks have lost 70% of my hair. Last times I could brush my hair over the patches this time I'm using a beanie. I hope the counsellling goes well for for you. Keep us informed this has to be the best site I've come accross so supportive and understanding. xox good luck with your journey

Comment by lynne on March 20, 2012 at 4:01am
Thank you for ur lovely messages. This is s huge struggle for me and I believe for others too. I'm sick of people saying I will have to learn to accept this which I know is true but they will never know how it feels to try and accept that. I hope counselling works for me to cause I can'tet things rule my life of I've no chance in having a good future. Thanks again and it is nice to know
I'm not alone. Xx
Comment by Cassandra on March 20, 2012 at 4:10am

I was told that very same thing, but its so hard to accept that its happening to us, and that's the struggle, the question i ask is what did i do to get this.... the future is what we make of it and counseling is a great start, i'm not ready to do that yet I like just speaking to others with Alopecia, cause to me they know the struggle and understand the fight...You are not alone although it does feel like that sometimes away from the computer...

Comment by lynne on March 20, 2012 at 4:50am
I think the fact we've grown with hair then it's taken away from us is the hardest, if I'd grown up without it I could have gotten used to it but fuk sake why now. It's worse to cause docs don't have a clue wat they are dealing with and don't realise how much it's affecting some people. Thanks and hope we can support each other and will let u know how and if the counselling goes well. Thanks again xx


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