The first time I became aware of my condition was back in July. I was getting my hair cut and my hair dresser leaned over me and wispered, "Did you know that you have a bauld spot?" I almost fell out of my chair. When I looked at it for the first time I was devestated and very confused. I didnt know anything about alopecia. Since then I have educated myself and have tried to come to terms with it. I havent seen a doctor about it yet because my insurance doesnt kick in until Jan. 1st. I keep an eye on it and it keeps getting bigger. It is on the underside of my hair so it isnt visible yet. I think its about 3 inches by 3 1/2-4 inches now. I am very scared at this point. It was about the size of a nickel when I first notied it...I hope that I can get support and information on this from anyone what is willing to help a stranger. I really appreciate it.

Thank you.

Views: 2

Comment by Nants the Rebellion Dog on December 30, 2008 at 6:13pm
My hair started falling out in June. I thought aliens had landed and made a crop circle on my head. I mean, who the hell has little round bald spots? It turns out it is indeed alopecia. But don't bother rushing off to the doctor. I went to Stanford University's Demotology Clinic and they could only tell me it might grow back or it might not or it could all fall out and grow back or never grow back and there was no cure. Oh, gee...thanks. I did get about 40 nasty cortisone shots in the scalp, but are they helping? I don't think so. I'm like big patch well hidden by hair. The newer ones are still tiny enough that no one sees them. But I wonder if I should have a wig on hand! I keep dreaming about hair falling out! I'm with you, girlfriend. This is not the most fun in the world. But at least it isn't fatal.


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