

I have been a member of this community for quite sometime and enjoy the blogs of those individuals seeking help from others with the disease. I am writing because I am a Doctoral graduate student at TWU and currently conducting research about Alopecia and it's impact on the Family System. In essence, how alopecia impacts the adult family member of a person diagnosed with the disease (i.e. spouse, child, partner, etc.).

I began this research topic because I have had hair loss for over 44 years and noticed my parents, siblings, spouse, and children were having difficulty with my hair loss. I became curious about their experiences and began researching alopecia. What I've found is that there is little to no research about HOW the family is impacted by the disease, not just the individual (like myself).

I am very excited about the potential this study could offer to medical and mental health professionals. But most of all to bring awareness about the impact of the disease upon loved ones. If you (or someone you may know) have any further questions or interest, please feel free to email bbuchanan1@twu.edu. Also, I've provided a link of the recruitment flyer above.  

Much Appreciation,


Views: 64

Comment by Barbara B on June 28, 2015 at 7:42am



If so, and you are 18 or over, I’d like to hear your story of this experience!

I’m Barbara Buchanan, a doctoral student at Texas Woman’s University conducting voluntary confidential interviews to explore the experiences of family members of persons diagnosed with Alopecia. The interview will take about an hour at a safe and agreed upon location between the researcher and participant. It’s my hope that the results of this study will aid family therapists and other professionals to better help those living with Alopecia, as well as their families.

Please phone me at (817) 320-5139 or email BBuchanan1@mail.twu.edu .

If you know of others who may be interested in this study, please pass along my contact information.

My research advisor can be reached at (940) 898-2713 or LBrock@mail.twu.edu.


*As with any electronic submission, there is a potential risk of loss of confidentiality in all email, downloading, and internet transactions. If you have questions about your rights as a participant in this research or the way this study has been conducted, you may contact the TWU’s Institutional Review Board at 940-898-3378 or via e-mail at IRB@twu.edu.


Comment by Barbara B on June 28, 2015 at 7:44am


My apology for another post. However, I've been contacted by a few and have been informed that those who have mobile devices or pads have had difficulty viewing the recruitment flyer. I've copied and pasted the flyer (without pics) for better viewing. Looking forward to hearing from those who may have a interest in this family focused researched.


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