Alopecia universalis virus in my case

Hi i have alopecia universalis 7 months now,first it started with itchy face going dry than scalp with yellowish round skin that become itchy and than scaly red skin on scalp and eyebrows and dry red rash form of circle on cheeks.Year later burning sensation showed up as well and needle poking sensation in eyebrows around mouth but this i notice to happen when i was sweating,and like bugs crawling sensation in my head..Have anyone had this symptoms? rash, scaly skin yellowish skin? Well i named all the symptoms in the starting text so please read my blog and post a reply.Thing is i have a virus also am waiting for my blood tests for few more things,am wondering if people had the same symptoms as me

Views: 207

Comment by Disaster on December 28, 2011 at 2:56am

for people to not get confused they mistake my results i didn't had any virus but can be bacteria


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