Every day when we wake up, we have a choice. We can go into the day with a negative mind or a positive one. Did you know that it’s your choice? It’s true! Every day you have the power to wake up and choose the kind of day you will have.

Ok, I know what you’re thinking. What about those days where nothing goes your way. How do you look at that with a positive attitude? It’s simple. Shift your perspective. Perhaps you miss the school bus, but then that means I have to drive you. If we look at it with positive eyes, it gives us more time together. We can talk more, laugh more, or sing badly to the songs on the radio that we love more.

Happiness is a choice. And while there are surely moments of sorrow in life, they shouldn’t be what make up our lives. Every morning, even when things aren’t going so well, look at yourself in the mirror. Look deep into your eyes and say, “I’ve got this. I’m going to make today a great day. No matter what happens, I’m not going to let it destroy me.”

When you do this, do you know what will happen to you? You will start changing the energy around you. Positive people attract other positive people and situations. Energy is contagious and if you put good energy out there, it’s only a matter of time before good things begin to vibrate toward you.

Push that negative energy out. Whenever you feel like that darkness is growing inside of you, push it out. Get active and sweat it out. Or be creative and write, draw, paint or sing it out. When you shine light in the face of darkness, a funny thing begins to happen. The darkness disappears and it turns into the brightest shining light of happiness.

Positive thinking is always the answer, even when negativity is swirling around us like a tornado. It is what keeps us grounded and safe, no matter what is going on in our lives. The best gift I can ever give to you is to teach you how to harness the powers of positivity in your own life. It doesn’t mean you’ll never be sad or angry, but it does mean that you will have everything you need to cope with whatever life throws at you.

Because sometimes life isn’t fair or good, but it’s up to us to think positively and triumph over whatever adversity comes our way. Stay positive always and you will never regret your actions when you let positive thoughts rule your mind.

Views: 79

Comment by Siella scott on March 3, 2017 at 4:49am

You reminded me of a great lesson I had forgotten. A single match can dispel all darkness, even if only for a moment. Is hard to S light in the beginning of this journey but that's why I came here, to be encouraged, and encourage others as I find my own strength. Thanks. I'm not going to pretend that m somewhere in not but will try harder not to bring anyone down with me.

Comment by Siella scott on March 3, 2017 at 4:50am



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