Hi Everyone,

I am new to this site. Actually this is the first time blogging.
I have been dealing with alopecia areata for the last 20 years of my life on and off. I am 34 years of age. I was wondering if anyone knows of any new treatments that might work or any news of any in the near future?
I am currently just using a topical cortisone cream. I recently shaved my head because of hair loss almost 50%. I have tried in the past injections, acupuncture, and every home remedy under the sun. The end result was always the same. I found that you just have to let it run its course. The last time I shaved my head as 15 years ago. Up to recently I have been lucky and been able to cover up the patches either with different types of eye liners or small little hair pieces. This time the problem progressed to about 50% of hair loss and I had enough so I just shaved it off! which on one hand was good because now I just wear hats everywhere I go and do not really think about it. As before it was very stressful trying to cover it up all the time. Any information would be appreciated.


Views: 161

Comment by R0BB on August 11, 2011 at 5:17pm
Hey BBD77 - ( Not sure if dude or nice lady is appropriate here but lets move on ..lol )

You wrote ;
"I was wondering if anyone knows of any new treatments that might work or any news of any in the near future? "

- SINCE my diagnosis 30 plus years ago .... the most helpful and rewarding " treatment " Ive ever found was .......this website.

" I have tried in the past injections, acupuncture, and every home remedy under the sun. The end result was always the same. I found that you just have to let it run its course. "

- YOU seem to have answered your own question .

- Peace

Comment by hp on August 13, 2011 at 2:14am
Sulfasalazine is a medicine that is not primarily used for alopecia but some reserach papers show that it is effective in some patients. I myself have not used it. this medicine has not been approved by FDA to be used for alopecia yet.
have a look, and also search in google
Comment by Trish on August 13, 2011 at 5:34am
Tallgirl, Can you elaborate on the first thing that you wrote about the T-cells?


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