OK, so the doctors I have talked to are as mystified as I am. My hairline has receded and there is a band of hairless white skin from above my ears (no hair around my ears). ear to ear. I lost my eyebrows and body hair first, then my hairline thinned and receded. There has been no inflammation or scarring. Yes, I am postmenapausal and have been on HRT but I'm not alone in my family. My 91 year old aunt has the same pattern baldness. So, you would think it's just an age thing (I'm 66) but my 37 year old daughter has the exact same problem. I'm curious. Is this a genetic thing, coincidental auto-immune problem, age or hormonal. My daughter's doctor thinks it's an auto-immune problem. It may just be age with my aunt and maybe it's hormonal for me. I don't know but the pattern is the same for all of us. At the moment I can bring hair forward but if I recede much further that isn't going to work. 

Views: 284

Comment by JeffreySF on October 7, 2015 at 7:47pm



form of alopecia areata involving the temporal and occipital margins of the scalp in a continuous band.
Seems to be the obvious answer to me.
Comment by Maz on October 8, 2015 at 10:38am

Thanks Jeffrey,

That gives me something to research. However, I haven't found anything yet that indicates that there is any reason to even get a diagnosis, since it won't make any difference anyway. So far, all I see leads to - learn to live with it.

Comment by Lexi on October 8, 2015 at 9:45pm

The same pattern that I have, and yes, Jeffrey, of course, is correct!  Hi Jeff!  

Comment by JeffreySF on October 8, 2015 at 10:51pm

Hi Lexi,

I immediately thought of you! I forwarded your AW group to Maz as well. 

The answer was clear to me. Happy to help!

Hugz Lexi!


Comment by Maz on October 10, 2015 at 12:49am

Thanks Jeffrey and Lexi,

Seems I'm not alone (well, apart from my family where there are 5 of us with varying severity). There's one other thing that I find weird. Is there a link between going grey and losing hair? My eyebrows went grey then fell out. I started going grey at the temples then it seemed to go away (they fell out). My hair has thinned overall and I notice that if I accidentally pull out a grey hair it comes away easily while a brunette hair needs a firm tug. My hair is quite healthy, shiny and strong, but I wonder - does my scalp just give up nourishing the grey hairs? Has anyone else noticed a link between going grey and losing hair?

PS I do avoid pulling hair out now, whatever it's colour.

Comment by JeffreySF on October 10, 2015 at 1:48am

I always repeat myself here...The only thing about alopecia aerata is its unpredictability....

Comment by Lexi on October 13, 2015 at 9:53pm

Maz, I cannot say about grey hairs, as I really don't have any.  How crazy, no grey hair, and not much of any hair to speak of anyway !! 

Comment by Mike Staffieri RHN on October 15, 2015 at 9:53am

check out my blog on MTOR inhibition and hair growth

Comment by Mike Staffieri RHN on October 15, 2015 at 10:00am

"excessive proliferation and activation of mTOR in stem cells may increase their turnover, prematurely exhausting the ability of these stem cells to repopulate the hair follicle"

Comment by Maz on October 15, 2015 at 10:08pm

Thanks Mike,

I just had a quick peek at your page and decided I need to sit down later and study what you have found. I did manage to get a degree, majoring in Human Bioscience, in the 80's so I may be able to follow what you're telling us. Then again, I may be a bit rusty. I notice though that you're still bald. Really not a major thing for a man (from my point of view). So it would seem that understanding the why of it doesn't translate to a way of curing it. 


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