are u the only one in your family with alopicia

my brother also had it sadly he passed away only eight weeks ago . he was 15 months older than me , i was first to get it aged 7 then it grew back till i was 11 then it was total hair loss . my brothers didnt start falling out till he was 15 it never completly fell out just patches and it grew back white although he did lose his eye brows and lashes i think it was harder for him he was very embarrased about t and never spoke about it he went through the comb over period and even once tried putting mascara on the white hhair and then that stuff that makes your hair look thiccker by painting your skull a dark colour ,eventually in the last few years of his life he shaved his head and it looked much better and he seemed more confident , my brother was very private never shared his thoughts and sadly turned to alcohol which was what he died of alcohol related deseases , but i was jus wondering some one said something about alopicia being related to thyroid conditions my mum had a ot of trouble with her thyroid before we were born and after , just a thought x

Views: 62

Comment by Nicole on December 17, 2008 at 9:29pm
Hi Sharon,
I sorry to hear about your brother. I am the only one within my family to have Alopecia. I am going on my sixth year with the disease. The way I lost my hair was almost like a process of some sort. After I had my baby in June, a few months later I lost every hair on my body on top of already having a bald head. I heard as well that alopecia is related to thyroid, but I have been tested for everything under the sun and nothing is coming back. I am being told that I am a healthy woman.
Comment by Lee on December 18, 2008 at 2:06am
Hi Sharon,
I thonk most people with alopecia have it in their family, but not me. None at all. No thyroid conditions either. Lots of asthma and diabetes in my family though.
Comment by Lee on December 18, 2008 at 2:07am
and I am also sorry to hear about your brother .
Comment by sharon on December 18, 2008 at 10:17am
thank you all for your replys looks like so far its quite rare fortwo siblings to have alopicia any way i was just interested to find out and yes we have asthma in our family i also have or have had clear at mo and have been for yeare excema and i have multiple allergies too may to list but thank you all x
Comment by sharon on December 18, 2008 at 10:37am
i was just sitting thinking about my bro and realised for the first time he probably didnt get as much help and support as i did , my hair fell out first and being the youngest and have n allergys and excema i got a lot of help and allowances where made for me even by him bless him . and by the time his hair started falling out we had tried all the diets treatment my mum was a single parent and she had already lost lots of time at work with me and he was 15 and the man of the house really he was already drinking at that age . and i dont remember him ever going to the docs or hospital and then later in life and further into drink he had other probs obvously i do feel guilty that he was really left out like this , i will have to talk to my mum about it she in australia at mo till jan but would like to find out if she knows how he coped with it other than the comb over and mascara and things gonna have to find out did he talk to her about it i know he never did with me and we where close it never crossed my mind to talk about it with him . that makes me feel so bad x
Comment by Holly on December 18, 2008 at 11:51pm
I can't seem to find the right words to express how sorry I am to hear about your brother. I'm not good with reaching out to people so.....moving on. I am the only one in my family with alopecia. I had the right side of my thyroid removed. My Mom has thyroid problems also and on daily medications. I wonder how many study's have been done and if there is anything we can do to help things along. If there is a connection maybe it could help? I don't know. I was around 9 when I found out and I just started talking about it. I'm 29 now and never owned a wig but ready to and just really starting to learn about it. I am finally ready face my reality. Hope I can help in some way. If there is anything I can do please let me know.
Comment by sharon on December 19, 2008 at 6:35am
thank you jeezlouise and holly its good to find out these things because no one ever really tell u any thing it seems there might be a connnection with thyroid ? hope u find a nice wig i have given some advice on some of the other discussions about finding a wig u will come to terms with it its all we can do life goes on keep smile n and same to u holly any thing i can do to help or advise u on do not hesitate to ask x have a wonderfull xmas x
Comment by Mari on December 19, 2008 at 9:57am
Sharon- I really can understand where you are at. I lost my brother and it is a hard road to lose anyone you care about. The important thing is to keep your loved ones close, and be there for eachother. As to your question, I am the only one in my family who has Alopecia. No one else has any symptoms at all. And Mine is different than Sandy's- out of 5 siblings no one else has any type of disease or disorder. I had heard that it was inherited but have not seen that at all in my family. If you need someone to talk to, I am always here!
Comment by Adrian Coe on May 23, 2009 at 6:08pm
hi sharon, seems like your poor brother went thro the mill...i was 14 when i got..and incredibly did the same comb over...mascara thing...crazy...but its hard for us guys to...its with u even when you go thro the stages of regrowth....the dark places can only be made light when you think of people alot less fortunate than us..take care
Comment by JeffreySF on May 23, 2009 at 11:25pm
Hi Sharon,

I'm sorry to here about your brothers passing. I lost my brother due to alcohol as well.
I hope you are doing okay.



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