So here I am. 50 years old, twice divorced, 2 kids in college and feeling a little unsatisfied with my life. i would love to meet someone, just for companionship - drinks, dinner, movie, football games. My social life has been put on hold for my kids. I have NO REGRETS about that. But now, when i want to meet people I have to deal with this alopecia thing. I have always been reserved in social settings. Now, I think people aren't interested in me because I wear a wig. I know it's stupid and irrational. Strangers don't know that I have chosen to shave my head rather than have a large bald patch on the top. I think I'm attractive. I think I just want to have someone special to make me feel more like everyone else - to make up for having alopecia. Well life is not like that. We play the hand we are dealt. I am so thankful that over the last 12 months I have tried to learn more about living with alopecia. I have learned that there are millions of people who have alopecia. There is no one type of alopecia that's easier to deal with than another. I have gained strength from everyone here on Alopecia World. I will continue to come here to share your stories, your trials and tribulations, your lives.
Guess I'm just feeling sorry for myself. I have much to be thankful for. When I start living like I believe that. maybe it will be easier for me to reach out to others. It feels good just to have a place to say things like this.
Be Blessed!

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