I'm heading out (pun intended) next week for my first scuba diving trip since losing all my hair exactly a year ago, and I wanted to let everyone know I won't be in Internet contact for a few weeks.

As I've been doing at home for many months, I'll be bald the entire trip, except when I need a scarf or hat on my head for warmth or sun protection. I anticipate that my bald head will be a subject of interest for a very short while at the dive resort and on the boats with the other divers, but I know that I'll quickly become part of the scenery.

I think it's going to be nice diving without hair getting tangled in my mask strap, or clumping up in knots after dives. Getting the wetsuit on and off should be easier, too, and I won't have to worry about shaving my legs or underarms. My tattooed eyebrows and eyeliner guarantee that I'll look great fresh out of the water. I'll be going through airport security bald.

A year ago, I was afraid to be seen bald. I wish that I'd somehow been able to know that I would feel free and comfortable with my baldness now. I have nothing but positive feelings about going on this trip bald, and taking a wig along is the last thing I would think of doing! Hang in there, all of you who are struggling with acceptance and feeling like losing your hair is the end. I'm living proof that it's not.

I'll try to post a photo or two after the trip.

Hugs to all,

Views: 504

Comment by Hayley Burton on February 4, 2009 at 10:08am
sounds amazing!!
Comment by Ray on February 4, 2009 at 10:14am
Have a great time!!!!!!

Bald is awesome!!!!!!!!
Comment by Cherylnz on February 4, 2009 at 3:21pm
Hi Mary,
Your holiday sounds fabulous, have a great time.
Comment by Ali T on February 4, 2009 at 3:50pm
U go girl!

So hope that that is me soon - I think if more of us had your courage we could change the views of many
Comment by Mary on February 4, 2009 at 3:55pm
Thanks for your comments. Yes, I think if more women (guys are already there) went bald, it wouldn't be so difficult, and everyone wouldn't assume we have cancer.
Comment by Hayley Burton on February 5, 2009 at 10:52am
i go bald all the time and ignorance is the hardest thing.......i constantly get asked why i shaved my head!
Comment by Mary on February 5, 2009 at 11:02am
Thanks, Hayley. It's always good to hear about another woman who goes bald - and I love your photo! In case you didn't see it, here's a great quote from Thea (Bald Girls Do Lunch) over on the "Sisterhood of Women Who Shaved" discussion group. I think this sums things up beautifully:

"I mean, really, it's 100% up to us to make the hairless choice the most normal thing in the world ......to see l-o-v-e-l-y hairless women looking great. If you do, however, prepare yourself for a lot of compliments.

If we don't step up and utilize all our options there's no one who's going to do it for us. Wishing and hoping and expecting that the rest of society is going to somehow magically accept our look before we accept our look is another way of saying we've given up control by default.

Bald is just one of many options. For those who choose choice....there's no better time than the present to give it a whirl. After all, what is the worst possible thing that's going to happen if you want to test drive it? And no one can get in that driver's seat but us.

So get out your gloss, your earrings, big smile, look relaxed, go about your day like having no hair is the most normal thing in the world....and we pave the way so it will become that.

Thea "
Comment by Hayley Burton on February 5, 2009 at 4:23pm
haha thats a great quote and so true....to me it IS the most normal thing in the world! and everyone around me just knows me as I am. It's great, I love it!!
Comment by Rahela on April 10, 2009 at 3:36pm
u know what i think that all of us little bit jelous on you!!!couse i think that u have best time on the beach ! my worst time - is beach!! i like under the sun and swimming but i hate my wig... but honestly im not so brave like you .. im wearing bandana and i think this is enough wird stuff for my country!but maybe who knows.. ill become more braver;)
Comment by Mary on April 10, 2009 at 4:28pm
The first time I went to the beach bald was a year ago, just a couple of weeks after I shaved off my remaining hair. I felt like everyone was looking at me, but my husband watched as I walked across a crowded beach, and no one was looking. Going bald - for me - is all about just not caring what other people are thinking. As Hayley said in her post above, it's normal for me now.


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